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Results 25971-25980 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have taken the liberty of troubleing you very frequenly lately on the subject of my freinds, I must now say a word or two as to my self. You Know that I have for many years done the duty of U:States agent in this State, and I trust I have discharged the trust with punctuality and fidelity. I suppose from the present appearances of our Affairs that there will be some purchases to be made in...
8 February 1812, War Department. Recommends four persons from the Indiana Territory for appointment to a company of rangers. RC ( DLC ); letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 107, LSP ). RC 1 p. JM nominated the candidates to the Senate on 11 Feb. 1812 ( Senate Exec. Proceedings Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America (3 vols.; Washington, 1828). , 2:211).
I Received yours of the 6 instant , and am extreemly oblige to you for the things you were so kind as to send me. which came to hand safe, I have not had a tetch of my complaint since I saw you, and have Greatly mended in flesh. I have rode down to snowden on horse back and I found it not disagree a tall with me, tho I rode very slow, and once I went down in the gigg all appeard to a Gree...
I presume dear Mrs Adams, you know ‘ere this, that the “Star in the East,” who is to make the Palace tremble, is the Vice P— Why he is thus designated, I dont know. I should think his star was allmost sett & that he would be willing to have it go down in peace; rather than in the turmoil of politics: but I believe, the last spark, that is extinguished in the heart of Man, is ambition. Govenear...
I have recd. several letters from you which not requiring special answers, I now beg leave to acknowledge in the lump. I have delayed it in the hope that I might add something on our public affairs not uninteresting. If there be any thing at present of this character it will be found in the inclosed paper from N. York. We have no late official information from Europe; but all that we see from...
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of 15. Novr. last—and beg you to accept my acknowledgments for your obliging attention to the Circumstances, which though merely of a private nature, to myself had made it my duty to decline the highly honourable office, to which you had called me, and had prevented my return to the United States, on receiving your permission to that...
Whereas information has been received, that a number of individuals, who have deserted from the army of the United States, have become sensible of their Offence, and are desirous of returning to their duty. A full pardon is hereby granted & proclaimed, to each and all such individuals as shall, within four months from the date hereof, surrender themselves to the Commanding Officer of any...
Prehaps you will be surpriz d and no doubt condem the author of the following lines either as an impudent person or at least conclude him conducted by an overheated immginaton but Sir I beg you to pardon the intrusion and listen a moment to the solicitation of a youth who has through the malice of Enemies together Connected with the frailities of inexperience too much to be regretted by the...
I have rec d several letters from you which not requiring special answers, I now beg leave to acknowledge in the lump. I have delayed it in the hope that I might add something of on our public affairs not uninteresting. If there be any thing at present of this character it will be found in the inclosed paper from N. York . will We have no late official information from Europe
6 February 1812, Washington. Mentions that the business of the office he is in “is nearly closed” and that “after a short period there will be no farther occasion” for his services. Having “a large family & this not being a place of much field for Commercial pursuit,” he will be at a loss to know where to turn. Offers his services in “some situation in the General Government” for which JM...