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Results 25921-25950 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
25921 Committee for Foreign Affairs American Commissioners The Committee for Foreign Affairs to the American … 1777-11-08 Two ALS : American Philosophical Society; copies: University of Virginia Library, Library of...
25922 Williams, Jonathan Jr. American Commissioners Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners … 1777-11-08 ALS : University of Virginia Library Having carried to your Credit all the drafts I drew on Mr....
25923 Anderson, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Anderson, 8 November … 1777-11-08 ALS : American Philosophical Society <St. Malo, November 8, 1777: When I left Paris with M. de...
25924 Lee, Arthur Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Arthur Lee, 8 November 1777 1777-11-08 AL : American Philosophical Society On November 4 the commissioners learned that the King of...
25925 Washington, George General Orders, 8 November 1777 1777-11-08 The service requiring that the men be ready to march on the shortest notice, the officers...
25926 Council of War Council of War, 8 November 1777 1777-11-08 At a Council of War &c. Present Major Genls Sullivan[,] Greene[,] Marquis LaFayette[,]...
25927 Bland, Theodorick Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Theodorick Bland, 8 … 1777-11-08 From the Commencement of the Present war I have devoted my time, regardless of domestic concerns...
25928 Washington, George Bland, Theodorick From George Washington to Colonel Theodorick Bland, 8 … 1777-11-08 I have receiv’d your favor mentioning the many & strong reasons you have for quitting the...
25929 Clark, John Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Major John Clark, Jr., 8 … 1777-11-08 Capt. Little late of Philada has just returned from the neighborhood of New Castle—he fell in...
25930 Craig, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Charles Craig, 8 … 1777-11-08 By every Accot from the City the enemy intend to Attackt the Fort tomorrow. the Hessians are to...
25931 Washington, George Craig, Charles From George Washington to Capt. Charles Craig, 8 … 1777-11-08 Letter not found: to Capt. Charles Craig, 8 Nov. 1777. Craig’s letter to GW of 8 Nov. is docketed...
25932 Washington, George Dickinson, Philemon From George Washington to Major General Philemon … 1777-11-08 I have received your Letter of the 6th Inst. and thank you for the intelligence contained in...
25933 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 8 November … 1777-11-08 I do myself the honor to inclose you an extract of a letter from Major Genl Dickinson of the 6th...
25934 Lee, Henry (1756-1818) Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Henry Lee, Jr., 8 … 1777-11-08 Mr Lindsay is just returned from New castle & has brought with him two prisoners; the one Capt....
25935 Washington, George Lee, Henry (1756-1818) From George Washington to Capt. Henry Lee, 8 November … 1777-11-08 Letter not found: to Capt. Henry Lee, Jr., 8 Nov. 1777. Lee’s letter to GW of 8 Nov. is docketed...
25936 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 8 … 1777-11-08 The great importance of the Post at Red-bank has led me to be importunate in applications for its...
25937 Washington, George Nelson, Thomas Jr. From George Washington to Brigadier General Thomas … 1777-11-08 Your favour of the 26th Ulto came to my hands yesterday, & merits my warmest acknowledgements:...
25938 Washington, George Pope, Charles From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Charles … 1777-11-08 The approaching season and the distresses of the Army in the Articles of Blankets & Cloathing,...
25939 Potter, James Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General James … 1777-11-08 I Receved your excelancys favour of yesterday leat Last evining ocasioned by my being leat on the...
25940 Washington, George Read, George From George Washington to George Read, 8 November 1777 1777-11-08 The approaching season and the scanty Supplies of Cloathing in public store, have induced me, to...
25941 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-08 Yours of the 6th relieved me from much anxiety, as it was confidently reported that the firing...
25942 Varnum, James Mitchell Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General James … 1777-11-08 I have to acknowledge the Rect of your Orders of 7th Instant. The Intelligence you are pleased to...
25943 Hamilton, Alexander Putnam, Israel From Alexander Hamilton to Major General Israel Putnam … 1777-11-09 I cannot forbear Confessing that I am astonishd. and Alarm’d beyond measure, to find that all his...
25944 Washington, George General Orders, 9 November 1777 1777-11-09 Nicholas Van Cortlandt Esqr. is appointed an Aid-de-Camp, to Major General Sullivan, and is to be...
25945 Washington, George Continental Navy Board From George Washington to the Continental Navy Board, 9 … 1777-11-09 I yesterday recd a letter from Congress informing me that they had received a Report from your...
25946 Hand, Edward Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Edward … 1777-11-09 I was duly Honoured by the rect of your Excys Favour of the 13th Ultimo. immediately on the...
25947 Howe, William Washington, George To George Washington from General William Howe, 9 … 1777-11-09 Lieutenant Vallancey, who was the Bearer of General Burgoyne’s Dispatches to me, is charged with...
25948 Livingston, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Livingston, 9 … 1777-11-09 I this Moment received your Excellency’s Letter of yesterdays date. I am so thoroughly convinced...
25949 Washington, George Potter, James From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-09 Your favor without date was handed to me last Night. As we have certain Information that a fleet...
25950 Washington, George Putnam, Israel From George Washington to Major General Israel Putnam … 1777-11-09 I am favor’d with yours of the 3d acquainting me with the exhausted state of your Treasury. I am...