Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to J. P. P. Derieux, 4 January 1793

To J. P. P. Derieux

Philadelphia Jan. 4. 1793.

Dear Sir

We have been so long without a conveyance to Bordeaux that in the mean time I have recieved a letter from Mr. Fenwick dated Bordeaux Sep. 28. 1792. wherein he says ‘The bill Mr. Derieux drew for 5000.₶is paid, and which closes the account of his legacy, his brother or uncle having received the other 10,000.₶’

I sincerely congratulate you on the triumphs of France over her enemies, and am with great esteem Dr. Sir Your most obedt. humble servt

Th: Jefferson

P.S. I return your letter for Mr. Fenwick, and Mr. Vaughan’s memorandum.

PrC (DLC); at foot of text: “Mr. Derieux.” Tr (ViU: Edgehill-Randolph Papers); 19th-century copy.

TJ enclosed this letter in one to Robert Gamble of the same date, asking him to seal and forward the missive after perusing it, “as it concerns a bill in which Colo. Gamble as well as Th:J. were interested” (PrC in DLC).

The letter for Joseph Fenwick, not found, had been enclosed in Derieux to TJ, 19 Nov. 1792. The memorandum by John Vaughan, also not found, is briefly described in Derieux to TJ, 10 Jan. 1793.

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