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Results 25891-25920 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have been duly honored with your Favor of the 25th Ulto, and join your Honble Board most heartily in Congratulations on our Success in the surrender of Genl Burgoyne and his Army. An Event of great Importance and which reflects the highest honor upon our Arms. In respect to the embarkation of the prisoners, I take it for granted, that the beneficial consequences the British Nation will...
Letter not found: to Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam, 5 Nov. 1777. On 14 Nov. Putnam wrote GW that he had been “favd with your’s of the 4th 5th & 9th Instt.”
I arrived here yesterday at Noon and waited upon General Gates immediately on the business of my mission; but was sorry to find his ideas did not correspond with yours for drawing off the number of troops you directed. I used every argument in my power to convince him of the propriety of the measure, but he was inflexible in the opinion that two Brigades at least of Continental troops should...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Prizes are given to the English by Special order of the King, in consequence of which I have stopped payment on their account, and this day turned away a Bill of 945 Livres; but I am grown prudent when too late, and am now very much in advance. The loss of the money is the least inconvenience in this matter, for the pretence of being here to refit and...
25895General Orders, 6 November 1777 (Washington Papers)
The independent Company commanded by Capt. Joshua Williams is to be annexed to, and do duty with the 4th Pennsylvania regiment, ’till further orders. All prisoners (not being Continental soldiers) and suspected persons are to be carried to the Major General of the day, to be examined and dealt with, as he shall see fit. The Colonels or officers commanding regiments are to appoint one officer...
I inclose you an extract of a letter which I have just recd from Genl Heath. I can hardly suppose but what you have taken some steps towards laying up a supply of salt provision in New England, which is not only the most plentiful Country for Meat, but the quarter in which our principal Magazines of Salt are deposited. But I am fearful from Genl Heaths representation, who is an attentive,...
This moment I received an Express from an Officer stationed on the South Amboy Shore, informing me, that a Fleet consisting of thirty six Sail, left the Narrows Yesterday Morning, at 10. OClock with a fair Wind—some of them appear’d to [be] very large, & deeply laden’d. I have a Person now on Staten Island, who will return about Midnight, expect to be more particularly informed by him—anything...
I arrived here yesterday at Noon, and waited upon General Gates immediately on the business of my mission; but was sorry to find his ideas did not correspond with yours for drawing off the number of troops you directed. I used every argument in my power to convince him of the propriety of the measure, but he was inflexible in the opinion, that two Brigades at least of Continental troops should...
I am favored with your Letter of the 4th Instant—The general Exchange of Prisoners is so desirable a Measure in Justice to the Officers and Men immediately concerned, that I have repeatedly demanded of you a Releasement of Prisoners equivalent to those you have received, as far as the Numbers in your Possession will admit, on which Condition I could enter upon a further Exchange. The Officers...
The approaching Season, and the scanty suppl⟨ies⟩ of Cloathing in public Store, without an immediate prospect of their being increased, have induced me to send Lt Colo. Adams of your state to procure, if possible, a Quantity for the Troops which come from thence. The distress of the Army in this instance, I am sorry to inform you, is now considerable, and it will become greater & greater every...
Letter not found: from Col. Lewis Nicola, 6 Nov. 1777. On 7 Nov. Nicola wrote GW that the “inclosed Letter I wrote yesterday in order to send it by the first opportunity to Your Excellency.”
Letter not found: from Richard Peters, 6 Nov. 1777. On 11 Nov. GW wrote Peters: “I have before me your favors of the 6th & 7th Inst.”
Great Manto Creek is situated two Miles and an half from Redbank, where it empties into the Delaware, On the West side of this Creek is the Promontory Billingsport, fortified, and garrisoned by three hundred Men, made up of the seventy first Regiment, and of Marines, according to the best Information I have been able to obtain. On the east side of the Creek, upwards of a Mile from...
When I did myself the pleasure to write you on the 17 th ult., I was not apprized of the enemy’s progress up Hudson’s River, nor of the barbarous devastation they have been guilty of committing at Kingston, and other places in the vicinity. It is no consolation to me that I have so many fellow-sufferers; I feel, however, a very sensible one, in the fate which has attended General Burgoyne. Is...
AL : American Philosophical Society Count Sarsfield is very unhappy in having failed to find mr. franklin at home So much the more that he is near Going to the country for about a fortnight. Begs the favour from mr. franklin that he Pleases to let him know by the way of the Penny post if he wants more mr. Gibbon’s history of the Roman Empire and Garma’s teatro de España. Mr. franklin may keep...
AL : American Philosophical Society I take the Liberty of acquainting You by means of my Particular Freind Mr. James Joseph de Bay Manufactor of Lace in the New Street near the Play House at Brussells, That on the 27 past I Recieved a Letter from Miss Lydia B. of Preston Acquainting Us That on the 24 past She and her afflicted Sisters had the Misfortune to loose the very best of Mothers. She...
25907General Orders, 7 November 1777 (Washington Papers)
The independent Company commanded by Captn Weaver is to be annexed to, and do duty with the 10th Pennsylvania regiment ’till further orders. Some disputes having arisen relative to certain men, inlisted by Mr Nelson, now doing duty in the 7th Pennsylvania regiment—A Court of inquiry is to examine into the matter, and report their opinion, whether those men should remain as they are, or be...
The approaching season, and the distresses of the Army in the Articles of Blankets & Cloathing make it necessary, that every practicable measure should be pursued to procure supplies. Therefore to releive, if possible, the wants of the Troops, raised by the State of Maryland, in these essential Articles, you are to proceed immediately to Govr Johnson with the Letters you have in charge for...
Your Excelys favr of the 31st I recd the 1st Novr and The same Morning I recd an Answar from The Counsil of Safety to a Letter I had wrote to Govr Livingston Respecting The Conduct of Brgr Genl Newcomb—The Counsil of safety in their Letter to me enclosed one for Genl Newcomb which they assured me contain’d Their orders to him to make me returns of his Brigade and receive my orders—I...
After sending upwards of Five Thousand Men to the Succour of the Southern Army, I hoped a further Draught from this Department would have been unnecessary; but Colonel Hamilton acquaints me, it was the Unanimous Opinion of a Council of War, that the whole of the Eastern Regiments should March from hence, & that Troops were only to be stationed at peeks Kill, And in the Highlands, for the...
I had the honour of writing to you the 4th & 5th by the conveyance of the Express Wm Jones since which Your Excellency’s dispatch under the 1st & 3d Currt with several inclosed papers reached me, were immediately Reported to Congress & Committed to the Board of War. My present duty is to forward the following recited Minutes & Resolves. Of the 1st Inst: for observing the 18th December next as...
Letter not found: from Richard Henry Lee, 7 Nov. 1777. On 18 Nov. GW wrote Lee : “Your favour of the 7th Instant should not have remained so long unanswered.”
The within Proceedings of the Board of Officers of the N. Carolina Brigade I approve of, and do recommend the Gentlemen Officers within named—both from their Rank & Merit, to your Excellency, to fill the Vacancies aforesaid. ALS , DNA : RG 93, Revolutionary War Records, North Carolina. Beneath Martin’s letter GW’s secretary Robert Hanson Harrison summarized the promotions of four field...
The inclosed Letter I wrote yesterday in order to send it by the first opportunity to your Excellency, & Just now received a letter from the Secretary of the Board of war & copy of which I have the honour to inclose to you & as you must certainly be well acquainted with the importance & danger of the Stores at Allen town & in this place & Burdentown I take the liberty to request your Orders as...
The Board after making every Enquiry they can & after viewing the Subject in every Light they are capable of are convinced of the Necessity & Rictitude of siezing Blanketts Shoes & Necessaries for the Army from People of all Characters who can possibly spare them & from the disaffected altho the Measure should expose them to the greatest Difficulties which however cannot be greater than the...
I have not been favor’d with any Letter from you since I last wrote you. Upon revolving your Situation & the Nature of the Command you are upon, I begin to be of opinion the Number of Men you have may be rather prejudicial than serviceable to you, as they are a more attractive Object for the Enemy, & more inconvenient for you to move off upon any sudden occasion—I therefore think you had...
Your’s of the 31st Octor and 1st Novemr I have been favor’d with, and have taken the Necessary precautions that your Army should be supply’d with Provisions. In my last I Informed you that Genel Warners Brigade were orderd to Join you, but as they are Rais’d only till the first of Decemr the Officers and men think it exceeding hard, that they should be obliged Make that Long March and their...
From various accounts I am convinced that the Enemy are upon the point of making a grand effort upon Fort Mifflin. A person in confidence of one of their principal artificers thinks it will be to day or tomorrow. No time is therefore to be lost in making that Garrison as respectable as your numbers will admit, for should the attack commence before they are reinforced, it may probably be out of...
Letter not found: from John Augustine Washington, 7 Nov. 1777. GW wrote his brother John Augustine Washington on 26 Nov .: “Your Letters of the 26th of Octr and 7th Instt have come safe to hand.”
Letter not found: to Martha Washington, 7 Nov. 1777. In a letter to Anna Maria Dandridge Bassett of 18 Nov., Martha Washington wrote her sister that “the last Letter I had from the General was dated the 7th of this month he says nothing hath happend since the unsuccessful attack upon our forts on the Dalaware” ( ViMtvL ).