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Results 2581-2610 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
We Alexander B Johnson and Abigail Louisa Smith Johnson his wife have received of John Quincy Adams and Josiah Quincy Executors of the last Will of John Adams late of Quincy in the County of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, deceased, the sum of three thousand dollars, in payment of the devise bequeathed to me the said Abigail Louisa Smith Johnson by the said Will excepting my portion...
We had a jovial day at Newport, after you left me, till five in the afternoon, when I embarked in the Revenue Cutter, Captain Cahoone—As we went on board the vessel, the gale subsided; the sun burst forth, and his last hour was unclouded—We proceeded with a light breeze and beautiful weather till last Evening, when coming to the pass of Hell-gate we were compelled to drop anchor—This morning...
On my arrival here this Morning, I received from Mr Aspinwall, Assignee of Robert Bird and Co. a dividend upon the debt proved by me, against their Goods and Estate, under the Commission of Bankruptcy, of that Company, which issued here in 1803. This dividend amounts to nine hundred and one dollars and ninety–five Cents—The debt was proved in my name; but the money belongs to the Estate of my...
Since I asked the favor of you to sketch a report from the Visitors of the University such as would embrace the topics and statements which the Board appeared to have in view, it occurred that the occasion required, and the members of the Board would approve, some tribute to the memory of Mr J. With this view I prepared an introductory paragraph, as you will see; and that the Report might be,...
In soliciting your attention to the enclosed copy of a letter which I have addressed to the Adjutant General of the Army, preparatory to a review of the principal occurrences of the late war with England, in which I was immediately concerned; I cannot but hope that my conduct may occur to your recollection in a light sufficiently favorable to exonerate me from any possible charge of a...
Since mine of Sepr. 20. answering yours of Aug. 30. I have recd. that of Sepr. 28. with a copy of the Report of the Come. on Roads & canals. I have not been able to read more of it than the part which you notice. The Come. have transcended all preceding Advocates of the doctrine they espouse, in appealing to the old articles of Confederation for its support: Whatever might have been the...
I have just recd. a letter from Majr Byrd C Willis, of Tallahassee well known to you reminding me that I was the medium of an application for a Cadet Warrant in behalf of his son George, and requesting me to intimate that he has still the same object in view: and that as his son, “is no longer a Citizen of Virga., but hails from Florada,” the former difficulty that the claim of Virginia had no...
I recd. by the last mail, yours of Sepr. 15. and have written as you desired to the Secy. of War, on the subject of your son George. I wish that room may be found for him at West point, and that the result may fulfil all the parental wishes, he will carry with him. It must afford pleasure to all your friends, that the spot you have chosen for your future home has so many fertile charms in it....
Your obliging letter, of the 20th. ultimo, has been duly recieved, and claims my acknowledgments for its politeness towards myself, and its liberality towards the subject to which it relates. To me it is peculiarly gratifying to learn, that in whatever part of the world Phrenology is correctly made known, it uniformly finds friends, and none but friends , among the enlightened and truly...
Having received a very elegant Lace Cap from the Ladies of the Lace school at Newport I write to request that you will do what you think proper while there as to the expression of thanks and the real admiration which the extreme beauty of the work deserves—as it is really equal to the finest European Lace—We leave Boston tomorrow morning and expect to be at New York on Friday night— Give my...
At your present meeting, Gentlemen, the case of my expulsion will come under your consideration. But before you give decided sanction to the sentence passed on me by the Faculty, I trust I shall not be denied the privilege of being heard. And, as the rigour of my sentence prohibits my personal appearance, I take the liberty of making, through these lines, an appeal to your impartiality of...
It is not without reluctance that I obtrude my individual concerns on your notice at any time, & more especially when your duties have been so laborious & impat[i]ent as at present. I can only say that if the business with which I am about to trouble you should interfere with higher objects, I should wish it postponed. In the course of the last year Mr. Brockenbrough informed me that the rule...
The board met pursuant to adjournment: present the same members as yesterday. Resolved that the proctor be directed to refund to the several professors, the advances by them made for venitian blinds; when, in the opinion of the executive committee, such appropriation shall be justified by the state of the funds. Resolved that the communication of the faculty respecting books, be referred to...
The board met pursuant to adjournment: present the same members as yesterday. Resolved that the library of the University shall be under the following regulations: The books shall be kept in the upper room of the rotunda. The library shall be under the care of a librarian appointed by the Visitors, who shall hold his office during their pleasure, and shall receive as a compensation for his...
We John Quincy Adams and Josiah Quincy, Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Adams late of Quincy in the County of Norfolk, Doctor of Laws, appoint George W. Adams of Boston, in the County of Suffolk, Attorney at Law, our Attorney, for us in our said capacity to do and perform any and every act, relating to the Execution of the Said Will, which we or either of us could do and...
The Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Adams deceased, have proceeded to the Execution of the said Will, by receiving payment from John Quincy Adams of ten thousand dollars, with interest thereon from the time of the Testators decease, in fulfilment of the Conditional devise to him of the Homestead Estate here, and by making Sale, so far as has been practicable, of all the rest...
The Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Adams, deceased, have proceeded to the execution of the said Will by receiving payment from John Quincy Adams of One thousand dollars, with interest thereon from the time of the Testators decease, in fulfilment of the Conditional devise to him of the homestead Estate here, and by making sale, so far as has been practicable of all the rest...
The Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Adams, deceased, have proceeded to the execution of the said Will by receiving payment from John Quincy Adams of One thousand dollars, with interest thereon from the time of the Testatory decease, in fulfilment of the Conditional devise to him of the homestead Estate here, and by making sale, so far as has been practicable of all the rest...
The Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Adams, deceased, have proceeded to the execution of the said Will by receiving payment from John Quincy Adams of ten thousand dollars, with interest thereon from the time of the Testatory decease, in fulfilment of the Conditional devise to him of the homestead Estate here, and by making sale, so far as has been practicable of all the rest...
At sight pay to the Order of Arthur S Brockenbrough, Proctor of the University of Virginia three hundred and ninety four Dollars thirty two cents, being the Amt. of duties paid by order of Thomas Jefferson late Rector of the University of Virginia on thirty one cases of Marble, imported into NewYork in the Ship Caroline, for the use of the said University, and the said duties being remitted by...
The board met pursuant to adjournment: present the same members as yesterday. Resolved that a Secretary to the board of Visitors shall be appointed, whose salary shall be two hundred dollars per annum , payable quarterly. Resolved that Nicholas P. Trist is appointed to the office of secretary. The board adjourned to tomorrow. MS ( ViU : Special Collections).
The Board of Visitors have decided that a Secretary be appointed to it, and you have been selected for the service. The salary allotted is $200 payable quarterly. If you think proper to accept the place, it will desirable that you be present at the meeting of the Board tomorrow. Friendly respects $50. has been voted in consideration of yr. service in relation to the Catalogue for the Library....
With a caution that my slowness and total inexperience in the duties of which the board of Visitors tender me the discharge, will probably call for a full measure of indulgence; and with the grateful feelings which the mark of confidence is calculated to inspire, I accept the opportunity of trying myself in the office of their Secretary. In relation to the catalogue, as my motive in...
[Form of Receipt of Devise.] Received of John Quincy Adams and Josiah Quincy, Executors of the last Will of John Adams, late of Quincy in the County of Norfolk, deceased, the sum of three thousand dollars and Cents in payment of the devise, bequeathed to me by the said Will—Witness my hand at this day of excepting so much as may be found hereafter to be distributed among the fourteen devisees,...
Know all men by these Presents that We John Quincy Adams of Boston in the County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Esquire and Josiah Quincy also of said Boston Esquire Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Adams late of Quincy in the County of Norfolk Doctor of Laws, deceased have constituted and by these Presents do, constitute George Washington Adams of Boston...
(Copy) Power Of Attorney. Know all men by these Presents that I John Quincy Adams of Boston in the County of Suffolk Esquire Co executor with Josiah Quincy of said Boston Esquire of the last Will and testament of John Adams late of Quincy in the County of Norfolk, deceased; have constituted and appointed Josiah Quincy my Co executor aforesaid and do hereby constitute and appoint him My...
(Deed of the Quincy Wood lot.) Know all Men by these Presents, that we John Quincy Adams and Josiah Quincy, both of Boston in the County of Suffolk, Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Adams late of Quincy in the County of Norfolk, deceased, in consideration of the Sum of two-hundred and twenty-one dollars, and thirty three Cents, paid us by the said John Quincy Adams in his...
Whereas John Adams late of Quincy in the County of Norfolk, Doctor of Laws, deceased, did, by his last Will & Testament, order, that with certain exceptions fully set forth in the said Will, all the rest and residue of his estate, real, personal & mixed should be sold by his Executors. And whereas the said John Adams, did by his said last Will and Testament constitute and appoint his Son John...
(Copy.) Deed. Adams and Quincy to J. Q. Adams. Whereas John Adams late of Quincy in the County of Norfolk Doctor of Laws, did by his last Will and Testament, give and devise to his Son John Quincy Adams and to his heirs all that part of his real estate lying on both sides of the Antient County road from Boston to Plymouth containing by estimation One hundred and three Acres be the same more or...
Received of Hon. Josiah Quincy six dollars and eighty seven cents in full for recording deeds & other instruments relating to the estate of Hon John Adams decd MHi : Adams Papers.