Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from John Smith Brookes, 31 December 1799

From John Smith Brookes, 31 December 1799

Upper Marlbro, Decr. 31. 1799


At the request of my Brother Major Benjamin Brookes, I enclose you the certificate of Doctr Beanes, his attending physician.

The Majr. has desired me to assure you, that he feels anxious, and will set out for Head-quarters, the moment his health will permit; at present, he is extremely ill, and so dibilitated, that, he cannot for a moment quit his bed, out of which he has not been, only when assisted, for more than fifteen days. I forebode with painful sensations the event of his tedious illness; a constitution naturally strong, has I fear, in the vigour of its age, suffered irreparable damage by the fatigues and exposures consequent to the life of an active soldier.

With considerations of respect I am Sir Your Ob. Servt

John Smith Brookes

(ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress), enclosing certificate by Dr. H. Beanes, December 31, 1799 (ADS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).

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