Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Brookes, 21 August 1799

From Benjamin Brookes, 21 August 1799

Majr. Genl Hamilton

Upper Marlbro Augt. 21 1799


I am at this time scarcely Able to sit up, yet hope My Leg is on a good way of recovery—I have inclosed Docr. Wm. Beanes certificate, respecting My Confinement which I Trust will fully satisfy Genl. Hamilton, that it was impossible for me to Come on before this period—the Moment My situation will permit It I shall be on My Way to New York

with due Consideration I am Sir your Obt. & Huml Sert.

Benjamin Brookes

(ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress), enclosing a certificate by William Beanes (ADS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).

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