Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Vivian Brooking, 31 May 1781

From Vivian Brooking

Amelia May 31st. 1781


Fearing least my Letter of the 26th. Inst. may have miscarried, This is to inform you I was unfortunately taken by a Party of British Light Horse the 14th. Inst. and restricted to the Town of Blandford for Ten Days then was to return Home on Parole which I thought more eligible than to be committed to close Confinement. As I was acting under your Orders of the 8th. Inst. to imbody and arm the Militia I think myself justifiable in signing a Parole, and expect not to be considered as an acting Officer of Militia untill exchanged or my Parole shall be altered. I am Sr. Your mst. obedt Servt.,

V. Brooking Co. Lt.

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