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Results 25561-25590 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have rec d . and thank you for the Copy of the Memorial against privateering, and of the number of “the Friend of Peace,[”] which you had the Goodness to send me on the 1 st . Instant. The Object of the Memorial meets with my approbation, tho’ not entirely for the Reasons specified in it. The Memorial states that “Crimes of the deepest Die abound in the Land”— and that much of their...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous supplie, Monsieur, de vouloir accorder une audience favorable a Mr. Le Baron de fray de qui j’eus l’honneur de vous parler dernierement et qui ne forme que des demandes tres impetrables en faisant des offres tres avantageuses de services importans par l’experience et les talens dont il a fait preuve en divers pays. J’ai l’honneur d’etre avec autant...
I thank you for this Address, presented to me by one of your senators in Congress Mr Chipman. When you ascribe to me a uniform Protection of your Youth your Government and your Country, your Affection and respect carries you to expressions far beyond my Merits. Sincerity and Industry in your Service are all that I can pretend to. The first Proclamations of the Liberties of France, were heard...
With the greatest deference and Respect I would beg leave to lay before your Excellency my Claims to Rank as a Captain in the Third Pennsylvania Regiment, from the ninth Day of March 1778. When the Twelfth Pennsylvania Regiment was Ordered to be raised and the Officers appointed to it, I was Commissioned a First Lieutenant on the first day of October 1776, and upon Captain Brady’s Resignation,...
25565[Diary entry: 13 July 1797] (Washington Papers)
13. Calm and clear all day—Mery. at 85.
I beg leave to inform you that Princes Chronology is now in the office, unless the same fairy who bro’t it has carried it away again— Since you left us I have repeatedly search’d for it to no purpose & had given it over, but chancing to go in yesterday this Book Struck me as one I had not seen & was quite sure was not on the shelf the day before, taking it up I found it to be the very one you...
25567[Diary entry: 16 April 1791] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 16th. Got into my Carriage a little after 5 Oclock, and travelled thro’ a cloud of dust until I came within two or three miles of Hix’ ford when it began to rain. Breakfasted at one Andrews’ a small but decent House about a mile after passing the ford (or rather the bridge) over Meherrin river. Although raining moderately, but with appearances of breaking up, I continued my...
I am Sorry that after Serving in the Capacity of a Publick Servant for Eight years Succesfully, and haveing (I flatter myself) Discharged my Duty therein faithfully, that I Shou’d now at this Period be loaded with Injustice threats &c.—& that for no Other Cause, than haveing Innocently given you, or Some friend an Affront, for Sir with Respect to the Tax Recd for yr Slaves in Fairfax Parish...
Notes on the alloy of the Dollar dwt grs. dwt The Spanish dollar, till 1728, had 11–4 of pure metal to every 12 of mixed from 1728. to 1772 10–21 since 1772 10–17 The above is from the Encyclopedie grs mixed grs alloy grs mixed grs alloy The 1st. dollar gives this proportion 288 : 16 :: 416 : 23.11 &c. The 2d. 288
Letter not found. 9 August 1804. Mentioned in Blakeley to JM, 7 Nov. 1804 (DNA: RG 76, Preliminary Inventory 177, entry 143, France, Unbound Records Relating to Spoliation Claims, ca. 1885, box 6, folder “Claimant: Josiah Blakeley”), as acccompanying his account with the U.S. “ & an order for the same”—probably a bill of exchange drawn on JM for the relief of distressed seamen (see JM to...
On the 30th. of last Month I addressed your Excellency, again, on the Subject of War. And I must exclaim, “My Bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart, my heart maketh a noise in me. I cannot hold my Peace , because thou hast heard O my Soul, the sound of the Trumpet, the Alarm of War.” When I view the desolation and destruction of War, when I behold the Multitudes of Blessings...
I Waited Yesterday for a Second him time on Messr. Van Vollenhoven after the recpt of your favour. The affair in question is to Extended to decide it by letters, for Which reason I beg the favour of You to do me the honour to Cale on me this Evening at 6 o’Clock, When I shall take Care to have a Person With me, witt wohm we Can speak in Confidence. I am With great regard Sir! Your Most ob....
I am glad my Dear Grand papa expresses approbation at my writing about little things as I always shall have enough to say to you in my letters. I shall be much obliged to you for the pen it will be very convenient and usefull to me as I have a great deal of writing to do pray in your next inform me what it is made of I guess it is glass. I shall certainly read Madame de Sevignè’s letters. I...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Shriver for the pamphlet and map he has been so kind as to send him on the Canal uniting the Eastern and Western waters. age & debility have in a great degree withdrawn his attention from all public concerns. still he rejoices to see national improvements going on, and especially those which are to facilitate intercourse with our Western brethren. he...
Please to publish, in your gazette, the following extracts from the proceedings of the committee of Fairfax county, on the 17th of January, 1775, GEORGE WASHINGTON, esquire, C hairman . ROBERT H. HARRISON, clerk. RESOLVED, that the defenceless state of this county renders it indispensably necessary that a quantity of ammunition should be immediately provided; and as the same will be for the...
Your favor of the 3 d was received on the 10 th . I was at the time & now am engageg engaged in the sale of the produce of my farms of the last year which will be soon accomplished and your balance shall be remitted, say in the course of the present month. it should not have waited till now but for the unexampled drought from June last which kept the river which carries our produce to market,...
25577[Diary entry: 3 March 1773] (Washington Papers)
3. Breakfasted at Port Royal, & Supped and Lodged at Todds Bridge. In Port Royal, GW patronized the tavern run by William Buckner ( General Ledger B General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 82; CAMPBELL [1] Thomas Elliott Campbell. Colonial Caroline: A History of Caroline County, Virginia . Richmond, 1954. , 219, 413).
I have received your letter of the 25 instant enclosing one from Major Huntington in which he offers the resignation of his Commission. You will be pleased to inform Major Huntington that the President accepts his resignation, but at the same time regrets that any circumstances should deprive the Army of his services. I have not yet received the arrangement of the relative rank of the Captains...
The Congress of the United States, having at their last Session passed an Act entitled “An Act declaring the consent of Congress to an Act of the State of Maryland passed the 28th of December 1793 for the appointment of Health Officer.” And the Governor of Maryland having requested of me by his letter of the 28th of last Month, to direct the Officers of the Revenue at Baltimore, to afford...
Mary Bradley Exec of Absalom Bradley } 1808. Jan. 23. to 114½ a s
[ Mount Vernon, November 10, 1790. On November 11, 1790, Washington wrote to Hamilton : “Since writing to you yesterday.…” Letter not found. ]
The petition of Archibald Gardner; most respectfully represents: That your petitioner, is at present confin’d, in the Prison of Washington County, District of Columbia; & has been, ever Since the 22nd. of May last.   That in July Term last, Your petitioner was tried, for Assault & Battery, before the Court of the Said District, then Sitting in this City, and was fin’d One Dollar, & ordered to...
25583Cash Accounts, February 1774 (Washington Papers)
Cash Feby 2— To Ditto [cash] recd from Mr Geo: Johnson on Acct of David Kennedys Rent [£] 35.10.3 To Ditto recd from Bryan Allison Smiths wk 0. 2.0 4— To Ditto recd from Govr Eden—on acct of the money wch I paid Colo. Carlyle & Mr Campbell for him 32.15.0 19— To Ditto of Mr John Baynes on acct of James Towers’s Land 5.12.2 21— To Cash recd from Captn [Thomas] Conway 40. 0.0 To Ditto recd from...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Thomas Mifflin, 24 Nov. 1776. On 26 Nov. Mifflin wrote to GW : “At 10 O’Clock last Evening I receivd your Letter of the 24th Inst.”
Permit Me to state my case to You & to ask your assistance to procure for Me an appointment, to a publick office, under the general government, that may be in some degree lucrative; if you think my pretentions are founded upon merit. The following is a true & correct statement of my services, rendered to my Country, in the revolutionary War, & the patriotic Zeal which urged Me to sacrafice my...
I recd. by Mr. Rogers your favor of the 6th. Having not yet settled with the Butchers, from whom I have recd. in broken sums nearly the whole of their dbts., I cannot in the present haste ascertain the precise amount to be placed agst. the advan⟨c⟩e to Kincade. As there will be nearly a balance in that case, I return you the two former notes, which may hereafter if expedient be turned into a...
I have received your favor of the 27th of March and Very Kindly thank you, for both the Letter and the generous Present, of a Cheese from Princeton, I know very well the Value that is to be attached to Princeton and its inhabitants and Productions, Its Cheese in particular I know to be Excellent, and I shall prize it the higher for the place of its growth, I Shall Show it, and boast of it, and...
I have delayed my reply to your favour of March 22d. in order to inform myself more fully respecting some of the heads of your inquiry— My acquaintance with Dr Barnwell commenced about a year & a half since, in consequence of a communication he made to the A.P.S., which was ordered to be published, but was lost by the Printer. He has since then sometimes visited me, & conversed respecting...
Capt. Tingey received a letter the last evening from Capt. Fountain in which it was stated as a fact that the destination of the Troops from Hallifax is Battonrouch. Yours. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have at Last Sent down to be Lodged at your mill three Cask butter Stated below If you Take only the Fresh butter my Price is ⅓ ⅌ Ct for that, if you Take the whole the price is 1/ ⅌ Ct as I am Told that is the Current price, and the Price I Told you I askt for it. Should you not approve of the Butter I shall be much Obliged if you will direct it to the care of Mr Andrew Wales in Alexandria...