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Results 25561-25610 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
A deserter from the 15th regt just from the enemy’s camp, informs, that the 4th brigade, two...
In order to enable you to carry on the business of your department with facility & despatch—You...
Letter not found: to Richard Peters or the Board of War, 15 Oct. 1777. GW’s aide-de-camp Tench...
I have just received Advice from Captain Lee of light Dragoons that 7 Regiments of the Enemy’s...
I am favd with yours of the 8th and 10th instants giving me the account of the loss of Fort...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The present serves to inform you that Capt. Brown who has...
AL : American Philosophical Society I am favoured with yours of the 5th of this Inst. and in...
25568General Orders, 16 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief positively orders, that the horse encamp compactly, in the rear of the...
With the Regiment you command & what Baggage you think is absolutely necessary, you are...
Agreeable to your orders I have Collected the Shallops & flats in Bordentown Creeck; their was...
I have this moment receiv’d your favor of Yesterday, & am very sorry to find that the Number of...
Coll Tilghman’s Letter of 14th instant, I received last night, wherein (by Your Excellency’s...
I have been duly honoured with your Favors of the 12th & 13th Instant, with their several...
Your favour of the 5th Inst. as also that of the 11th by Baron Kalb, are both to hand —It is not...
From the best information I can receive, there is in Wilmington about 1300 of the enemy—They have...
I have been hond with the receipt of your two favours of the 8th and immagine before this you...
The Enemy have open’d three Batteries on us. one in front of the pest Houses which with Recache...
I was at Allen Town when I recd your Excellencys letter of the 13th, when I went to see what...
As the term of service of great numbers of the Militia of this State, who were called out some...
AD : Œsterreichische National-Bibliothek, Vienna A.B. aged near 72 Years, had been subject to...
ADS : Yale University Library; ADS (draft): American Philosophical Society To all Commanders of...
25582General Orders, 17 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
The troops are to be under arms at eleven o’clock this forenoon, except those men who are...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. David Forman, 17 Oct. 1777. GW wrote Forman on 19 Oct. : “I...
I do myself the Honour to forward the enclosed Resolves in Obedience to the Commands of Congress,...
It is now above Two years since I have had the Honour of Presiding in Congress, and I should...
Altho’ I am Confident that your time is Necessarily taken up on the most Important business—yet...
[ Worcester, Pennsylvania ] October 18, 1777 . Informs Greene that Baron d’Arendt will assume...
[ Worcester, Pennsylvania ] October 18, 1777 . Informs Smith that Baron d’Arendt will assume...
LS : American Philosophical Society, Haverford College Library; copies: Library of Congress,...
ALS : Yale University Library I have recvd. a Letter from Capt. Thompson Commander of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous avez attendu Si longtems le premier volume de mon...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I rcived yesterday from Madame chaumont the lettre of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Si je n’eusse pas eu a céder a cértaines circonstances,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you the 9th Inst. inclosing one for M. Chaumont...
25595General Orders, 18 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
The General has his happiness completed relative to the successes of our northern Army. On the...
Being recovered from the indisposition under which you lately laboured, you are to proceed...
Lt Colo. Green marched this morning to reinforce the Garrison at Fort Mifflin, with a detachment...
You are immediately to proceed with the Troops under your command by the shortest Route to...
I do myself the honour to transmit you the inclosed most interesting and agreeable intelligence...
From the intelligence received from a couple of women who had passed thro’ the enemy’s camp...
I have the Honour to enclose all the Accounts we have in the Office of the State of Arms &...
I congratulate you upon the glorious successes of our Arms in the North an account of which is...
From the intelligence I have received I am persuaded the enemy are about to retreat from...
In order to put your garrison in a more effectual state of defence, I have sent you a...
I wrote your Excellency the Second day the enemy open’d their batteries; they have since...
Letter not found: to Hannah Bushrod Washington, c.18 Oct. 1777. On 18 Oct. GW wrote John...
Your kind and Affectionate Letters of the 21st of Septr & 2d Instt came Safe to hand. when my...
This Morning the Inclosed Interesting Intelligence was received by Congress from General Gates....
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Harvard University Library We have consider’d your...
25610General Orders, 19 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Brigadiers and officers commanding brigades are to appoint General Courts Martial, in their...