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Results 2551-2600 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your obliging Favour of 17 June is now before me. It contains an elegant and masterly Narration...
I nominate Joseph Beale of Massachusetts to be a Lieutenant in the Navy George Washington Few of...
Your Letter of March 11th, which I recieved last night, is totally incomprehensible to me. My...
Paris, 8 April 1780. RC in John Thaxter’s hand ( PCC , No. 84, I, f. 433–435). printed : Wharton,...
I last night received your favor of the 10th: Mr Liston’s note of the 8th was not inclosed as you...
I am desirous of conveying to you, in a manner that will not probably fail of success, and...
The Senate are now in Possession of the Budget.— It is a Bone to gnaw for The Aristocrats as well...
You make me very happy when you Say, that you agree with me upon the Subject of the...
Dr Morse having undertaken to continue Trumbul’s History: wrote urgently to me to assist him. I...
I thank you for the favor of your letter of 24 June, & the copies inclosed of dispatches from...
I have received your Letter, giving an Account of your Studies for a day. You should have dated...
It is very true that “the denunciations of the Priesthood are fulminated against every Advocate...
2563August 26. 1796. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Cloudy. Wind. N.E. but not rainy. The shower last night has refreshed Us. The Corn, the Gardens,...
This Letter is devoted to one Subject. Since the Death of Judge Cushing there has been frequently...
Yours of the 5th. and 9th are received. My Eyes and my hands forbid every unnecessary Word. I...
Mr. Bristed, in his Hints, p. 389 to 413, has published some account of an affair which he says...
2567London July 20. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
“Every Act of Authority, of one Man over another for which there is not an absolute Necessity, is...
I have rec’d and heard y’r favor of Feb 23d and the pamphlet enclosed, it is a free manly &...
2569Monday. December 18th. 1758 (Adams Papers)
I this Evening delivered to Mr. Field, a Declaration in Trespass for a Rescue. I was obliged to...
Duplicate The Memoire of the Prince Gallitzin, Envoy Extraordinary of all the Russias to the...
In answer to your enquiry in your letter of the 4th. inst. I can only say that I knew Mr. Matzei...
Be pleased to accept my best thanks for your Anniversary discourse before the Lyceum of natural...
2573October 21. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Amiens, and put up, at night, at Abbeville. The Roads are the best I have ever seen in...
I have written but once to you since I left you. This is to be imputed to a Variety of Causes,...
I have received your Favour, written after your Return from Spa and am very glad you had so...
The Writer on the Consequences of American Independence, Subjoins a Comparison between the United...
I am informed by your Brother G, that you wish to know from me some Account of my Education! The...
I can never Sufficiently regret, that this Congress have acted So much out of Character, as to...
My good Genius this morning has thrown in my Way, by perfect Accident, your oration of the 4....
I return you Mr. Reads letter & the note inclosed in your favor of the 19th From a long intimacy...
25811778 Octr. 22. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
William Whitmarsh Jur., born in Braintree, maried and living in Marblehead, was taken Prisoner on...
2582June 20th. 1774. Monday. (Adams Papers)
At Piemonts in Danvers, bound to Ipswich. There is a new, and a grand Scene open before me—a...
2583August 30. Tuesday. 1796. (Adams Papers)
Prospect of another hot day. Pursuing the Wall. Tirrell worked with our Men. Trask cutting Bushes...
I have rec d from you one Letter and no more Since I left N. York. Your Electors appear like a...
I have received your favour of June 24th. but not your “New System of English Grammar”—I...
As you seem so inquisitive about Politicks, I will indulge you so far (indulge, I say, observe...
Paris, 8 March 1780.. RC in John Thaxter’s hand ( PCC , No. 84, I, f. 311). LbC ( Adams Papers );...
2588Dec. 26. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Brantzen call’d upon me, at one. He says that Mr. Fitzherbert and he are yet a great Way...
Our Patriots are so anxious lest Aristocracy should take root, that I wonder they do not...
This year compleats a Century Since my Uncle Boylston introduced the practise of Inoculation into...
I have not received my Letters of Recall from Holland and therefore must disappoint you and my...
The Letter of Recall, herewith enclosed never reached my hand till this Moment when I was ready...
In former Letters, I have made a few hasty Remarks upon Mrs Warren and Mr Marshall: permit me now...
After a Passage of two days, against contrary Winds, and a terrible Jolt through the Mud, from...
2595[May 4.] (Adams Papers)
May 4. Dined at Mr. Chaumonts with his Family, and other Company.
I had yesterday the honour of your letter of July the eleventh, and I feel myself much obliged,...
2597[Wednesday July 31. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Wednesday July 31. 1776. The Board of War brought in a report, which was taken into...
The Mail of Yesterday brought me, a rich Treasure in your kind Letters of the 18. 24 and 25 th of...
I nominate Edward Prebble of Massachusetts to be first Lieutenant of the Frigate The Constitution...
I am So little acquainted with the Language and Usages of this Country that I am under a...