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Results 2551-2560 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
25517. (Adams Papers)
C. Ital: Blaise et Babet, a la Clochette. See entry for 25 Aug., note 1 (above). La clochette , Paris, 1766, by Louis Anseaume, with music by Egide Romuald Duni ( Brenner, Bibliographical List Clarence Dietz Brenner, A Bibliographical List of plays in the French Language, 1700-1789 , Berkeley, 1947. ).
25529. (Adams Papers)
Diné à Passi. C. Ital: Jeannot et Colin, l’heureuse Erreur et les Vendangeurs. Florian, Jeannot et Colin , Paris, 1780; Joseph Patrat, L’heureuse erreur, Paris, 1783; Pierre Antoine Augustin de Piis and Pierre Yves Barré, Les vendangeurs, ou, les deux baillis, Paris, 1780 ( Brenner, Bibliographical List Clarence Dietz Brenner, A Bibliographical List of plays in the French Language, 1700-1789 ,...
255310. (Adams Papers)
Diné à Auteuil. Eclipse totale de la Lune.
255411. (Adams Papers)
C. Ital: Blaise et Babet et Isabelle et Gertrude. This was the third time JQA had seen this musical comedy in less than three weeks. Isabelle et Gertrude, ou, les sylphes supposés , Paris, 1765, by Charles Simon Favart, with music by Adolphe Blaise ( Brenner, Bibliographical List Clarence Dietz Brenner, A Bibliographical List of plays in the French Language, 1700-1789 , Berkeley, 1947. ).
255513. (Adams Papers)
C. Fr: Mercure galant et Partie de Chasse de Henri 4. Edme Boursault, Le mercure galant, ou, la comédie sans titre , Paris, 1679; Charles Collé, La partie de chasse de Henri IV , Paris, 1766 ( Cioranescu, Bibliographie du dix-septième siècle Alexandre Cioranescu, Bibliographie de la littérature française du dix-huitième siècle , Paris, 1965. ; Brenner, Bibliographical List Clarence Dietz...
255614. (Adams Papers)
Fete de S: Cloud. Diné entre là et Auteuil. M: T——r parti. An annual festival held on the grounds of the royal palace of St. Cloud ( Journal de Paris , 4 Sept. 1785). John Thaxter left for Philadelphia, carrying with him the Definitive Treaty with Great Britain, and the original Treaty of Amity and Commerce with the Netherlands, the latter signed at The Hague on 8 Oct. 1782 ( JA to Benjamin...
255716. (Adams Papers)
Varietés Amusantes Foire St. Laurent. An annual fair held from July to September (Jacques Antoine Dulaure, Histoire civile, physique et morale de Paris . . . , 10 vols., rev. and corr., Paris, 1825, 8:199–203; Almanach royal, 1783 Almanach royal, année M.DCCLXXVHI [8cc.]. Présenté à sa majesté pour la première fois en 1699 , Paris, no date. , p. 628).
2558Saturday Septr. 20th. (Adams Papers)
The enthusiasm of the People of Paris for the flying Globes is very great, several Propositions have been made from Persons, who to enjoy the honour of having been the first Travellers through the air, are willing to go up in them and run ten risques to one of breaking their necks: one of the queerest propositions, is the following one taken from the Journal de Paris of Yesterday. Je partage...
2559Monday Septr. 22th. (Adams Papers)
This morning (as my Father has been for some days very ill and the Country air being thought necessary for him) we removed from Paris to Auteuil at Mr. Barclay’s. The flying Globes are still much in Vogue: they have advertised a small one of eight inches diameter, at 6 livres a piece without air and 8 livres with it, but it has been carried so far that several accidents have happened to...
256024. (Adams Papers)
Mme. Ridley accouchée. Ann Richardson, whom Matthew Ridley married in England in 1775, gave birth to a son, Lucius, on this day. They were also living in the house of the Comte de Rouault at Auteuil to which they had moved for the sake of Mrs. Ridley’s health (Herbert E. Klingelhofer, “Matthew Ridley’s Diary during the Peace Negotiations of 1782,” WMQ William and Mary Quarterly. , 3d ser.,...