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Results 2551-2560 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Voted unanimously That the town in their corporate capacity acceed to the proposition made by President Adams through the Supervisors of the Adams Temple & School Fund. Voted That Hon Thomas Greenleaf, Hon Josiah Quincy, Hon Thomas Boylston Adams, Edward Miller Esqr. & George W Beale Esqr. Supervisors of the Adams Temple & School Fund, be fully authorised & impowered in behalf of the town, to...
Received of the Executors of the last Will of John Adams, by an Order on the Cashier of the United States Branch Bank, Boston the sum of two thousand seven hundred and nine 80/100 dollars being the amount of three orders from W. S. Smith, one of the Devisees, named in the said last Will; of which orders one for $1488.03 is in my favor for payment of debts due from the said W. S. Smith to me;...
I send to you a copy of a discourse delivered by me on the 24th of October last before the Society for Commemorating the landing of William Penn, of which I ask your Acceptance. With great respect I am Yr. obt Servt RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM . Thomas I. Wharton, A Discourse, Delivered on the Twenty-Fourth of October, 1826, before the Society for the Commemoration of the Landing of William...
According to my promise I write to you again altho’ I do not feel quite sure that you will have time to read my Letters or that they will be more acceptable than the nonsensical scraps of poetry which I used to plague you with last Summer generally by the advice of Charles—but as that mania appears to be over I shall only write you short occasional Letters to let you know how we go on altho’...
I have recd. your letter of Ocr. 25. requesting from me any information which would assist you in preparing a Memoir of Mr. Jefferson, for the Columbian Institute. Few things would give me more pleasure than to contribute to such a task; and the pleasure would certainly be increased by that of proving my respect for your wishes. I am afraid however, I can do little more than refer you to other...
The interesting Work to which you were pleased to become a subscriber, I had hopes to be able to have transmitted to you, long ere this time; but the want of the necessary funds have hitherto delayed the publication. At the suggestion of several of my friends in this City, I have been induced to make an appeal to the liberality of my Subscribers—for an advance of their Subscriptions—and many...
I enclose you two papers, which you will be so good as to deliver, the one to Mr. Quincy, & retain the other yourself, ’till further advised. I’ll thank you to procure from the B. Bank, a recpt. of my credit there—of Mrs. de Wints portion by the Will, which will be good in some bank in this City. Your friend & obt. sert. MHi : Adams Papers.
We John P De Wint and Caroline Amelia De Wint his wife, have received of John Quincy Adams and Josiah Quincy, Executors of the last Will of John Adams late of Quincy in the County of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts deceased, the sum of three thousand dollars, in payment of the devise bequeathed to me the said Caroline Amelia De Wint by the said Will, excepting my portion of so much...
I am just favored with yours of Ocr. 28. As the intimation to Mr Hilliard will go with more weight from the Executive Committee than from one of its members, I drop a few lines for him to be signed by you also, and duly forwarded. I send it in this form the rather, because of the distinction between the 2 cases of the Periodicals and of the general supply of books; and between both as now...
I have recd. from Mr. Van Zandt a copy of his Bill in Chancery: of course known to you, and have answered the communicati⟨on⟩ by a letter a copy of which I have thought it proper to inclose you. The errors of fact which it corrects make me hope that I shall be rescued by the explanation from the disagreeable situation in which the Bill places me. With friendly wishes RC ( MHi ); draft ( DLC )....