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Results 25501-25550 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
[ Skippack Camp, Pennsylvania ] October 11, 1777 . Orders Jameson to collect horses, clothing,...
ALS : University of Virginia Library I send inclosed the agreement made with the proposed Captain...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Sollicoffre of whom you have already received...
25504General Orders, 11 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Court of enquiry of which Lord Stirling is president, now sitting at the president’s...
Two days ago the Enemy erected a Battery at the mouth of Schuylkill to secure the passage at...
Agreeable to my engagement of your Excellency, I immediately waited on the legislative Body of...
Colo. Smith informs me that the Enemy have been raising Batteries near the Landing place at Webbs...
You are immediately to proceed with the detachment under your command to Chester County, and...
Letter not found: from Richard Henry Lee, 11 Oct. 1777. GW wrote Lee on 16 Oct. : “Your favour of...
Your favor of the 27th I received yesterday Afternoon. In respect to public matters, I wrote you...
I recd a letter from Colo. Hay dated the 4th instant in which he informed me that the Enemy had...
I rec’d yours of the 19th informing of the occasion of the late firing. I imagine the Enemy still...
Last Night the Enemy threw up a Battery in the rear of the Fort close to the Banks of the Meadow...
I want Extreamly to hear from you to know what situation you are in, and what is the true...
[ Towamencin, Pennsylvania ] October 12, 1777 . Discusses conditions at Fort Pitt and orders...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I send you enclos’d the Letter you desire. But as I am apprehensive...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Des ordres superieurs m’apellent a fonteneblau, je serai de...
AL : American Philosophical Society Ruault a l’honneur de saluer Monsieur franklin et de lui...
25519General Orders, 12 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
Major Lockhart of the 3rd North Carolina regiment is promoted to the rank of Lieut: Colonel in...
I have Nothing in Charge from Congress at this Time, but to transmit the enclosed Resolves, and...
I received your Excellencys just now, but to comply with your desire at present is impossible, as...
The Assembly could not be prevailed upon to agree to more than 1000 Men to be raised for...
In Consequence of the Letter that your excellency has Send me the 13 of Septemb: with the resolve...
I wrote you this day giving an Accot of the Enemies having erected a Battery in the Rear of our...
Since I had the honor of addressing you on the 11th Inst., nothing material has happened between...
I have little to add to the long letter I wrote to you a few days ago, but that the event of the...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society Yours of the 6th. is before us. When the Private Letter...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society We recd. from Messrs. Gourlad &c. an acct. of your arrival...
25529General Orders, 13 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
Those Battalions and corps that have joined the army, since the third instant, are to attend to...
My dear friend Mrs Ferguson will deliver in your Excellency’s hands a letter which has laid by me...
Letter not found: from John Hancock, 13 Oct. 1777. GW wrote Hancock on 16 Oct. : “I have been...
I have duly received your favour of the 15th Ulto from Fort Pitt, giving me an account of the...
We are in the greatest want of Cartouch Boxes not only for the Militia but many of the...
I take the liberty of troubling you upon a Subject of very great consequence to myself, and which...
Copies: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères, Library of Congress I received duly your...
[ Towamencin, Pennsylvania ] October 14, 1777 . Orders Greene to send sufficient men to replace...
[ Towamencin, Pennsylvania ] October 14, 1777 . Hopes that Smith will be more successful in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure to announce the return of the mere Bobie...
Two copies: National Archives The commissioners’ recent trouble with Versailles was only part of...
25540General Orders, 14 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
The officers on guard are to make report of them to the officers of the day, who will report the...
Commodore Hazlewood informs me that the desertions from the fleet have left him exceedingly...
I arrived here on Saturday last with my Regiment, they were much Fatigued with the March as I...
I have been duely honored with your several Favours of the 7th 8th and 10th continued to the 11th...
I yesterday rec’d your favor of the 12th. In consequence of your request, I have order’d a return...
I do not do myself the honor of wr⟨a⟩ïting to you as many times as I would ch⟨u⟩se, because I...
your Excellency has been inform’d that a Redoubt was erected on Province Island opposite Fort...
There was a report of one or two thousand Troops coming up from Wilmington yesterday—the report...
Yours of the 12th I received yesterday. I am sorry your attempts to get possession of the enemy’s...
I wrote your Excellency the 12th Instant on which night the enemy threw up a long Breast Work on...
I have the honor of you[r] Letter of the 1st inst.—have now the pleasure to congratulate you on...