James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Thomas I. Wharton, 14 November 1826

To Thomas I. Wharton

Montpellier Novr. 14. 1826

I have recd. Sir under cover of the 6th. your Discourse obligingly sent me, on the “Landing of William Penn.” The occasion interesting in itself is made the more so, by the judicious & impressive views with which you have surrounded it. Such a tribute was well due to that renowned Lawgiver, and to the State which has made so good a use of his bold and benevolent innovations. The principles & Institutions of Penn, have long been the admiration of Philosophical Politicians. They are now recommended to the world by a fair test of their value in practice; and the world is becoming more prepared to regard the lessons they offer. Your Discourse, as far as its circulation may be extended, must contribute to attract the attention which these merit. I thank you, Sir, for the pleasure its perusal has afforded me, with a tender of my particular respects.

James Madison

RC (owned by Marshall B. Coyne, Washington, D.C., 1980); draft (DLC). Addressee not indicated on RC; JM noted addressee in draft.

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