James Madison Papers

From James Madison to William Crawford, 14 November 1826

To William Crawford

Montpr. Novr. 14. 1826


I have rcd. Sir your pamphlet on the question of Retroceeding George Town to the State of Maryland,1 with a request of my ideas on the subject.

The question involves several points which would require more development than is permitted by other claims on the remnant of time now before me; nor am I sure that it would be discreet to intrude my opinion, on a local subject which it is understood divides those equally interested in it.

I feel no restraint however from saying that the publication indicates maturity of thought & of stile, that does much credit, to so young an author; and that the side espoused by him in the controversy is not likely to suffer from the want of an able support. I tender you Sir my respects and my friendly wishes.


Draft (DLC).

1Letter not found, but the pamphlet was A Citizen of the District of Columbia [William Crawford], The Question of Retrocession, Stated and Discussed (Georgetown, D.C., 1826; Shoemaker description begins Richard H. Shoemaker, comp., A Checklist of American Imprints for 1820–1829 (11 vols.; New York, 1964–72). description ends 25882).

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