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Results 2531-2580 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I imagine that by this time you will be willing to receive, at the Seat the Soul of government, a correct statement of the facts attached to the death of Charles Austin who was lately shot in State in Boston, by one Thomas Oliver Selfridge a Lawyer. I give you a Statement on which you may rely. The republicans in Boston for four years past have obtained, from the select men, the use of fannuil...
As your Excellency has asked my Opinion of General Lees Plan, as explained in his Letter of the fifth instant, I think it my Duty to give it, although I am obliged to do it in more Haste than I could wish. I Suppose the only Questions which arise upon that Letter are whether the Plan is practicable; whether it is expedient; and whether it lies properly within your Excellencys Authority,...
There is a great deal of pain: taken to make mischief between you & Mr & Mrs Porter many wish for his birth but I am confident no one who has offer’d would take better care of your things in the house or to whom you could trust them with equal Satefy James Howard is very busy & very abusive, told mr cranch that he heard mr Porter was going, & that it was time he should— he knew his tricks: you...
Nothing Remarkable has occurred in this neighbourhood since You left us. I think we omitted, My lord, at the beginning of Our Address, you will Please to Observe before you Send it off, and likewise Write to the governor and Some of the Council to charge Mr Ludwel to support & inforce it. I heard once from the Branch Since, but expect you have all the reports from that Quarter before this...
Exoterick and Esoterick Doctrine. See the American Encyclopedia Tit. Exoterick: the French, Title Exoterique; the Dictionaire de Trêvoux, the Same Title, Stephens’s Thesaurus Tit. Exotericus, Gesners Dictionary Tit. Exotericus, and Acroaticus, Fabers Thesaurus Tit. Exotericus. See Also Herodotus Diadorus Siculus, Pausanias Strabo, Plutarch, Aetius , Aristotle Cicero and Aulus Gellius. See also...
Encloses on behalf of the Portsmouth committee of safety “an authenticated copy of a vote pass’d by them for preventing the admission of our Inhabitants into the Camp, upon speculation, without a recommendation or pass first had and obtained from them, Their Inducement to this measure arises from their Fears that some may be too freely and incautiously admitted who are suspected of a want of...
Your favor of July 24. came to hand on the 31 st and I will proceed to answer your enquiries, in the order they are presented, as far as I am able. I have no doubt that the 5 th of the Rhode island resolutions, of which you have sent me a copy , is exactly the one erased from our journals. the mr Lee s, and especially Richard Henry , who was industrious, had a close correspondence, I know,...
I had the Honour of writing you the 19th ult in answer to your Letter of 13 June and I now have the farther honour of informing you, that the Hhd of Oranget is now forwarded to Alexandria by the Brigg Collumbia Capt Levering with my request to the Collector to receive it and wait your order I wish it may be what you wished, if not, say what it should be, and the next will be preppaired...
31 October 1801, American Consulate, London. No. 4. Dawson’s delayed departure and return to London a second time allow transmission of the enclosed statements. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 59, CD , London, vol. 8). RC 1 p.; docketed by Wagner as received 13 Jan. The enclosures include lists of awards made by the Board of Commissioners payable on 5 July 1798 and 1 May 1799 and received by...
As you may possibly not come here before the 18th I write to know, if I must leave these lodgings at that time, as the month will then be up, and if I stay any longer I must begin another month. I have finish’d Phaedrus’s fables and the lives of Miltiades, Themistocles, Aristides, Pausanias, Cimon, and Lysander; and Am going next upon Alcibiades in Cornelius Nepos, I shall begin upon...
Nous avons l’honneur de vous prévenir que, malgré l’espoir dont vous nous avéz favorisés par vôtre lettre du 27. Xe., Messrs. Willinck & Van Staphorst se refusent encore à nous remettre les fonds des ƒ51,000, que nous avons à rembourser pour le congrés; déjà plusieurs Porteurs se sont presentés, et nous avons calmé leur mécontentement en les invitant à revenir sous une 15ne. de jours....
Inclosed are applications for Appointments &c from George McDonald, General Whiting, a very respectable Officer, James Cunningham, James Campbell, Zenas Meigs Bradley, George Walton General Morgan, which I recommend to your Consideration and am your humble sert Also a letter from Elijah Paine, recommending Mr Samuel Shuttleforth to be chaplain in the army NNGL .
you have some time since recd from me, Sir, a letter which I wrote to you from Havre on my arrival—I promised to write again as soon as my residence at Paris should enable me to communicate some details, which might be interesting to you & to the country which you inhabit—I proceed to keep my promise. That, which I wrote you before, is but too true—the same sentiments no longer unite our two...
2544[Diary entry: 5 April 1768] (Washington Papers)
5. At home with Mr. Crawford. Mr. Campbell came here & dined, Mrs. Washington, Miss B. Ramsey & Patcy Custis went to Belvoir & returnd. As an agent for the Alexandria partnership of Carlyle & Adam, Matthew Campbell (d. 1782) had come to Mount Vernon to pay GW £121 11s. 9½d. for wheat purchased from him during the past six months ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of...
Copy of the Proposal made to Mr Gilmer— I shall be perfectly satisfied if the Rector & visitors will guarantee that my Bond, or such part of it as may be demanded, shall be paid forthwith. to the British Government. I shall be willing to have the amount deducted from my salary in yearly payments; provided that the Rector & Visitors will also guarantee me a salary not less than $2500—& that I...
Sir—I Can Now inform you Captn Macnemara has had my Witness[’]s affedev. gaven in to Mr Hay for fare of his Death & Mr Hay Seems Much pleasd with it & Says thare is Not the Least Danger in Recovering the property from those Base Desining Men—Our Cort Coms on the first Monday in August. & After Cort I Shal Let you know how I am Like to Come off—& what Time you May Expect Me Up to Mount Vernon...
In the outset of the business of Detentions, I think it impossible to form precise rules. after a number of cases shall have arisen, they may probably be thrown into groupes & subjected to rules. the great leading object of the legislature was, and ours in execution of it ought to be, to give compleat effect to the embargo laws. they have bidden Agriculture, Commerce, Navigation to bow before...
In a letter which I wrote to you yesterday, I desired that the Indians might not be brought to this place if it cou’d possibly be avoided: Since which, the Honble Edmund Atkin, Esquire; superintendant of Indian Affairs, is arrived; and desires to hold a conference with them here. No bad consequences are likely to ensue by bringing them from the Frontiers (of which, however, you are to judge...
2549[Diary entry: 26 March 1798] (Washington Papers)
26. Morning—Clear—Wind at No. Wt. & Mer. 40. Afternoon wind shifted to So. W. & lowered. Mer. 50 at Night 51 hight.
It was not till last Evening that I received Your Letters of Febry 2 d 4 & 7 th . the post did not get in which was Due on twesday till Saturday. I do not know how to pass a week without hearing from You. I received newspapers to the Tenth. in those I have an account of the Declaration. it was a Solemn Scene to You, and an affecting one. You will find by my Letter of the 8 th that I was with...
From Information I have recd. I think it proper to write You that I told You “Genl. Lee has sold my Father’s farm on which he lives to Mr. Samuel Washington”—Mr. Washington had a short time before that came here in my Father’s absence, rode over the fields, examined every Room in the house and told me in the presence of Doctr. Horace Buckner (who came with him), that he had bought the place of...
I have long Anxiously sought information relative to the family of the Revd Samuil Findley President of Princetown Collidge and who diparted this life in 1766 his family At that time living in Princetown. I recently saw a publication in A News paper relative to the Revd. Nathan Perkins which stated that he Graduated at Princetown in 1769. I immediately wrote him And yesterday received his...
As I shall have occasion to remove Colo. Rawlins’s Corps from Fort Frederick in Maryland, (where they are guarding the prisoners,) to Fort Pitt, I must request the Board to call upon Governor Johnston of Maryland to furnish a Militia Guard to releive Colo. Rawlins. I wish no time may be lost in making the requisition, and that the Governor may be informed of the necessity of sending the Releif...
25546 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A fair Day. Drank Tea at Coll. Chandlers, and fixt a Letter for Cushing, Wentworth, Dalton, Lock Locke , my Father, and Dr. Savel. Fix: to set down in writing ( OED The Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford, 1933; 12 vols. and supplement. , fix, vb., 5b). None of the six letters enumerated here, the first four of which were addressed to Harvard classmates, has been found.
I have this moment been honored with your respected favor of the 21st instant—and shall, as soon as possible, obtain information on the several points therein mentioned, which shall be immediately communicated to you. The law for extending the time for opening the navigation of the Potomac has been passed in this State as well as Virginia. I take the liberty to enclose a packet for Mr...
2556[Diary entry: 16 January 1774] (Washington Papers)
16th. Very Cold all day & not very Windy—but Northerly.
Proofs of the Death Montgomery &ca Rich gilt Frames, Glasses &c 6 = 6 = Packing Case = 8 = 6 CtY : Trumbull Papers.
I this day received your Favour of April 8 th , and Sincerely condole with you under the Loss of your amiable son. These Afflictions are the Lot of Humanity and so little of the System of which We are a Part is Submitted to our View, that as We never can discover the Reasons of them, they are left only to our Reflections and Submission. My Situation, would be eligible, to the Heighth of my...
This will be delivered to you by a German Officer who expresses much inclination to enter into the army under your command. The trouble which your Excellency receives from Foreigners commissioned by Congress has made the Committee, appointed to examine their pretensions, averse to offering any resolutions for places above the rank of subalterns. The Bearer speaks english very well, and has an...
I have received your two favors this morning—I have only to request you will take the best measures in your power to ascertain the enemy’s movements and designs, and have your troops in readiness to act as occasion may require but without interrupting the works. You will continue to advise me. I am Dr Sir Yr Most Obet, servant P.S. I think it will be adviseable to detach a couple hundred men...
I have lately been informed that Mr. Anderson at present attorney for the united States in and for the District of West Tennessee, is about to resign that office— Mr Thomas S[tuar]t of this District, has applied to me to make known to the President of the united States, his wish to fill that office, should it be vacated by the resignation of Mr. Anderson— Mr S[tuart] is a man of...
Philadelphia, 16 October 1779. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:183–184 . Like those for the peace treaty (calendared above), these instructions had been adopted on 14 August ( JCC Worthington C. Ford and others, eds., Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789, Washington,...
Though I have not the honour of being known personally to Your Excellency Yet I flatter myself you will grant me your protection in consideration of a letter of recommendation which Marechal Count of Rochambeau has been kind enough to give me for Your Excellency. I hope that when you’ll be further informed of my circumstances & character Your Excellency will comply with my Protector’s wishes...
I duly received your favor of Nov. 20. The paper of which you desire a copy not being in my office, I have inclosed you an authentic printed copy: authentic, I say, because by the public printer and by order of the House of Representatives. Of the difficulties of the business in which you were engaged here I have been fully sensible; and I have no doubt that your most zealous and assiduous...
Letter not found. 27 May 1804, Washington. Described as a one-page autograph letter signed of about fifty-five words in the American Art Association Anderson Galleries Catalogue No. 4143 (1935), item 286.
Your kind Letter which assured me of your welfare was a cordial to my heart. It came safe to hand, with its contents by Judge Livermore. The affectionate regard it evinced for me, & mine, might have overwhelmed an heart less accustomed to favours; accustomed , not callous I assure you, for esteem, love, & gratitude so often put in motion, fans the finer feelings, & makes them glow with...
27 July 1812. “The Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Biddeford, in the District of Maine, in legal Town Meeting assembled, having seen your Manifesto, the Act of Congress declaring War against the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, and your Proclamation of the same, feel in Duty bound respectfully to state some of our Ideas respecting this subject; Some of us bore a heavy...
I inclose you a letter from the Secretary of the Navy on the subject of Tarleton Webb. at the next appointment of midshipmen he can probably come in; but mr Smith cannot say when that may take place. Martha informs me that your own affairs are so arranged as to permit you to direct the repairs of my mill dam. this will indeed be rendering me a great service. Bacon is so little acquainted with...
2569April 5th. 1754. (Adams Papers)
The theory of the Ballance, scales, steel-yard &c. and all and the 3 species of lever’s continued to which (viz) the lever he referred allmost all the instruments in life, and universally. To make a aequilibrium, the product of the quantity of matter in the weight multiplyed into its distance from the Center of motion, must be equal to the quantity of matter in the power, multiplyed into it’s...
As there is a considerable Agitation on the minds of the people of Virginia Respecting the Imperfections of the State Constitution; and whether it would be prudent to Call a Convention or not;—I have taken the Liberty, to Request you to Darw up a Constitution Calculated to promote the present and future Interest of the Inhabitants of Virginia and forward it to me at Charlotte Court Hourse And...
Il m’est impossible de m’empecher d’Ecrire encore une foix a M r Randolf ou a M r Jefferson n’eyant pas encore aucun renseignement de ma Caisse; Voicy le Congres qui s’aproche je n’est d’autre Experance que sur mes Traveaux; l’infortune m’en veux! …. et les Enemmis sont content et mourmure,!, …. je Vous prie donc par Grace … je Vous prie! . . coutte qui coutte; de me faire la faveur et la...
Yesterday, I took a long Walk with our Secretary Mr. Thompson to a Place called Fells Point, a remarkable Piece of Ground about a mile from the Town of Baltimore. It is a Kind of Peninsula which runs out into the Harbour, and forms a Bason before the Town. This Bason, within thirty Years, was deep enough for large Tobacco ships to ride in, but since that Time has filled up ten Feet, so that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Plaignés notre bonne Douairiere, mon respectable ami; elle part demain et n’a pu vous aller demander votre bénédiction; elle me charge de vous peindre tout le regret qu’elle a de vous quitter; mais comment y parvenir? Il est trop profond; il faudroit sentir comme elle pour le rendre: recevés de sa part les embrassements de L’amitié la plus tendre, et...
In the settlement of the account for the pay and emoluments of Mr Howe your Secretary, I find there will be an exception made to that part of the voucher which charges forage for him as a Captain of dragoons, unless it is explained by you in writing, as you explained it verbally to me at the time of Settlement. to wit—That your secretary must be supposed in the nature of the case to require...
I wrote you the 11th. of November. Since that I have received no proposition on the subject of the quill of the harpsichord. The artisans here will not readily beleive that any thing good can be invented but in London or Paris: and to shew them the invention would be to give it up. However I shall still endeavor to find some one who will do justice to it. War and peace hang in doubtful...
I this day write to Mess rs Gibson & Jefferson to remit you 200.D. on my account, and have to request you to send me the articles below stated, and as quickly as possible, as I apprehend that every day may increase the danger of a safe passage by sea. I have at the same time to request you to make the small paiments for me below stated. they are such as cannot be separately remitted to the...
2577[1779 December 20. Monday.] (Adams Papers)
1779 December 20. Monday. We went to the Audiencia, where We found the four Judges sitting in their Robes, the Advocates in theirs a little below them, and the Attornies lower down still. We heard a Cause discussed. The Advocates argued sitting, used a great deal of Action with their hands and Arms and spoke with Eagerness. The Language was not wanting in Harmony to the Ear, but the Accent,...
Your favor of July 16. came to hand yesterday evening only, and I feel much indebted to the President for having thought of me, & to yourself for giving me an opportunity of procuring a supply of the Lawler wheat for seed. I have heard much of it’s superior security from the fly, and indeed known something of it from an example in my own neighborhood. how it may stand in comparison with our...
2579[Diary entry: 25 November 1798] (Washington Papers)
25. Ditto at my Lodgings.
Yours of the 24 th was recieved yesterday. the clause of arbitration in the lease was a sufficient provision between Shoemaker and my self because we understood every part of it in the same way. so it was with mr Randolph & M c Kinney. but you and myself differ so materially and in so many points that to enter into a contract with opposite meanings & to propose to go thro’ it by arbitrations...