George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Brigadier General Alexander McDougall, 25 September 1777

To Brigadier General Alexander McDougall

Camp 4 Miles from Pots Grove [Pa.] Septr the 25: 1777

Dr Sir

I was favoured with Yours by the Bearer of this.1 I wish you to proceed with your Detachment to the best Grounds near Markleys, about Two Miles below Pennibeckers Mill on the Skippack Road & there remain for further Orders. From the present view of things, I think, I shall join you there or somewhere near It, with this Army.2 Mr Thomas, who has this in charge, says he is well acquainted with the Rout from your present post to Pennibeckers Mill, though he does not know Markley. You will, I am certain, make every necessary inquiry & disposition & keep the most vigilant look out. I am Dr Sir Yr Most Obedt servt

Go: Washington

P.S. I have sent you a Map by Mr Thomas.3

LS, in Robert Hanson Harrison’s writing, owned (1997) by Mr. Joseph Rubinfine, West Palm Beach, Florida. GW franked the addressed cover.

1This letter has not been found.

2Several members of the Markley family owned land at this time in Skippack Township, Philadelphia (now Montgomery) County, Pennsylvania. Samuel Pennypacker (1746–1826) owned a mill and a house at the fork of Perkiomen Creek, the site of present-day Schwenksville, Pennsylvania. GW’s headquarters was near there from 26 to 29 Sept. and 4 to 8 October.

3This map has not been identified.

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