George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Robert Slaughter, 21 June 1757

To Robert Slaughter

Fort-Loudoun, June 21st 1757.

To Colo. Robert Slaughter in Culpeper County.

I received yours of the 20th instant;1 and am glad of the judicious, regular step which you have taken—and judge it necessary you shou’d lose no time in marching the Detachmt up here; as we have received no intelligence which contradicts that formerly received a few days ago.2 A man arrived here from Fort-Cumberland who left that Garrison on the 16th instant: at which time there were great numbers of the enemy’s indians around that place, who frequently appeared openly to the Garrison. This is probably a party detached from the main Body, and sent out before it, to reconnoitre. I keep Major Lewis 50 miles advanced from this place, with Orders to use all possible means of procuring Intelligence. I am &c.



Robert Slaughter was a kinsman of Lt. Col. Thomas Slaughter who led the contingent of Culpeper militia to join GW at Winchester in May 1756. This letter suggests that Robert Slaughter was county lieutenant.

1The letter has not been found. Docketed 26 June 1757 are two lists, one naming twenty-six Culpeper militiamen who “have guns and are Ready to March out on the Frontiers” and another naming forty-six who “March from Culpeper Without Arms” (DLC:GW). Both lists are signed by William Lightfoot.

2It would seem that GW wrote this before receiving John Dagworthy’s letter of 17 June, which he notes having received on this day in his letters to John Stanwix and Dinwiddie, 21 June 1757.

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