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Results 25251-25300 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The Enemy have cross’d the Schuylkill below the Army & are now on their March for the City of...
You are hereby directed to proceed immediately to Bethlehem with the heavy Baggage of the Army,...
The situation of our affairs in this Quarter calls for every aid, and for every effort. Genl Howe...
I stayed at my House as long or perhaps rather longer than was prudent—the Enemy came there in...
You will proceed with the detachment under your command to Dunks’s ferry on Delaware, if you find...
I have just receiv’d your Letter requesting a Court of Enquiry to morrow or next day which I most...
I received Your favor of Yesterday morning, and am apprehensive, as you have not acknowledged the...
252581777 Wednesday Sept. 24. (Adams Papers)
Fine Morning. We all went to Meeting last Evening, where Mr. Edwine gave the People a short...
25259General Orders, 24 September 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Your favour from the Connistoga Waggon without date was put into my hands on the Evening of the...
This Army has not been able to oppose General Howe’s with the success that was wished, and needs...
In Consequence of your Letter of the 22d directed to the President or any Member of Congress, I...
The last Evening I received the Honor of yours of the 14th Instant and this day that of the...
I am pleased to find by yours from Coryells Ferry that you are so near me. The Army will fall...
Since writing to you this morning, it has been determined in consequence of farther intelligence...
Since I have seen Captn Faulkner, and learnt your Situation from him, & compar’d it with that of...
—I last night read your favor of the 21st, and am much obliged to you for the book. This, and the...
The principal reason for halting the Army here to Night, is, that the Enemy from every...
Since I have seen Captn Faulkner, and by him learnt the situation of Genl McDougal, I am really...
Letter not found: from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 24 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Trumbull on 1 Oct. : “I...
Letter not found: from Nathaniel Whitaker, 24 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Whitaker on 20 Dec. 1777 :...
252721777. Thursday. Septr. 25. (Adams Papers)
Rode from Bethlehem through Allan Town, Yesterday, to a German Tavern, about 18 Miles from...
Knowing how much you have at Heart the Establishing the Currency of this State and the United...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; LS : Archivo Historico National This...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ne pouvant pas avoir de nouvells de mon Amy, je Luy addresse...
25276General Orders, 25 September 1777 (Washington Papers)
A General Court Martial is to sit immediately at the house where Genl Conway quarters, for the...
Letter not found: from Maj. John Clark, Jr., 25 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Clark on 29 Sept. : “I recd...
Despairing of seeing the bearer again, I wrote an answer to your favour from the Conestoga Waggon...
Your Excellency’s Kindness hath increased my Gratitude for your many Favours and I hope it will...
I wrote You a Line Yesterday desiring You to impower Mr Henry of this Place to collect the Fire...
I was favoured with Yours by the Bearer of this. I wish you to proceed with your Detachment to...
Letter not found: from Col. Lewis Nicola, 25 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Nicola on 29 Sept. : “I am favd...
Letter not found: from Major General Stirling, 25 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Stirling later on this...
I have your favor of 8 Oclock now before me, & am surprized to find the Enemy in the same...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. William Woodford, 25 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Woodford on 26 Sept....
John Dow } Thomas West Feb. 2. 1777 William Nichols William Holderness } N. Lewis. Jan. 30. 1777....
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Vincent, The Young Gentleman who formerly lived with me,...
25288General Orders, 26 September 1777 (Washington Papers)
The troops are to be ready to march at nine O’clock this morning, with all baggage packed and men...
You are hereby authorized to impress all the Blankets, Shoes Stockings and other Articles of...
I last night received a Letter from Major Genl Dickinson informing me that 900 Militia had...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. David Forman, 26 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Forman on 27 Sept. : “I...
I was this Morning favoured with your Letter of the 24th. When I wrote Congress, I was informed,...
I Arriv’d last Eveng at this place, where I was honour’d with your Letter of 23d Inst. which I...
Letter not found: from Samuel Kennedy, 26 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Kennedy later on this date : “I...
I recd yours of this date at this place. If the sick cannot all be accommodated at Reading part...
I have the pleasure to inform your Excellency that I have just arrived here, with my party, &...
I have the p⟨lea⟩sure of yours of the 25th but a⟨m⟩ sorry to h⟨e⟩ar that your Wound is so...
25298General Orders, 27 September 1777 (Washington Papers)
The General Court-Martial of which Col. Wood is president, is to sit immediately, at the house...
I have had some conversation with Mr Peters Secretary to our board, who informs me that in the...
Letter not found: from Landon Carter, 27 Sept. 1777. GW on 27 Oct. thanked Carter “for the good...