Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Randolph & McKinney, [ca. 10 June 1812]

Account with Randolph & McKinney

[ca. 10 June 1812]

1811. Messrs Randolph & McKinney Dr for Rents for Crop of Wheat. Coopering
Toll mill
bush. Corn
large Mill
Bar. flour
May 28. To Shoemaker’s order accepted     16–46          
  To left by him in the mill for me     1–0          
Aug. 17. To short entry of wheat delivd at the mill. 40.℔     0–24.          
Oct. 20  To a quarter’s rent of large mill from July 20. to wit                
   320.D. in flour @ 6.D. delivered in Richmond   53.65            
Nov. 1. To rent of toll mill from Sep. 14. to this date, being                
    of a year @ 200. Bar. corn a year 125.              
Jan. 12  To proceeds of 1276 bush–53 ℔ wheat of 1811 [121.127 S.F 111.31 F]     232–188 2796. 129¾ 324¾    
20. To a quarter’s rent of large mill   53.65            
Feb.   To corn from T. Jefferson’s delivd at the mill } 261              
  To do from M. Dawson                
Apr. 20. To a quarter’s rent of large mill   53.65            
  To deficiency in the quality of  Bar. of flour                
June 10  To rent of large mill from Apr. 20. to this day 51. days   29.157            
  To rent of toll mill from Nov. 1. 223. days 610.              
    996 189.157 250–62 2796 129¾ 324¾    
    932⁶⁄₈ 150. 152–4          
  To Balances in favor of Th:J. 63 39.157 98–58          
   Recapitulation of balances Dr                
  Rent of Toll mill 63              
  Rent of large mill   39–157            
  Crop of wheat proceeds     98–58          
  To deficiency of quality in Barrels of flour                
  in Account with Th: Jefferson Cr. for Rents for Crop of Wheat. Cooperg
Toll Mill
bush. Corn
large Mill
Bar. flour
Nov. 16. By flour delivd Gibson & Jefferson, for rent   50.0            
Jan. 8. By corn meal & midlings from Sep. 21 as pr acct 446½              
  By do to Barnaby              
13  By flour for family use from 1811. July 2. to this date     8–0          
  By flour to Goodman 100.℔. 25. do to mrs Lowry. 100.℔.     1–4          
  By offal from July 1811. to this date as per account       4896 170½ 481.    
30. By my assumpsit for James Salmons               9.77
  By flour delivd to Johnson, at the mill     59–0          
Feb. 1. By buckwheat meal     1–0          
Mar. 9. By flour delivered to Johnson at the mill     36–0          
19  By do (by Pleasants) delivd Gibson & Jefferson for rent     60–0          
20. By shipstuff at this date         14.      
23. By flour delivd Johnson, at the mill     40–0          
25. By flour for family by Jerry.     1–0          
28. By flour by Howell delivered Gibson & Jefferson   40–            
Apr. 10. By bran from Jan. 8.           349½    
  By flour to family by B. Carner     6–0          
June 10. By corn meal & midlings since Jany 8. 480.              
  By flour barrels             232.  
  By nailing do               2.32
    932⁶⁄₈ 150 152–4 4896 184½ 830½ 232 12.09
          2796 129¾ 324¾  0.  
  By Balances in favr of R. & McK.       2100 54¾ 505¾ 232.  
  Recapitulation of balances. Cr.                
  By midlings 2100.℔ @ 15/               52.50
   Shipstuff 54¾ bush @ .40               21.90
   Bran 505¾ bush. @ 6d               42.13
   flour barrels             232.  
   Cash               12.09

MS (DLC: TJ Papers, 196:34859–60); written entirely in TJ’s hand on one side of a single sheet; undated; endorsement on verso in an unidentified hand: “Thomas Jefferson Esquire.”

The abbreviations s.f and f respectively stand for “superfine” and “fine.”

Index Entries

  • Carner, B. search
  • corn; grinding at Shadwell search
  • Dawson, Martin; and Shadwell Mill search
  • flour; received as pay search
  • flour; transported to Richmond search
  • Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); flour sold for TJ search
  • Gillette, Barnaby (TJ’s slave; b.1783); food distributed to search
  • Goodman, Jeremiah Augustus; overseer at Lego search
  • Howell, Mr. search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; Account with Randolph & McKinney search
  • Jeremiah (Jerry) (TJ’s slave; b.1777); carries flour for TJ search
  • Johnson, William (waterman); carries flour to Richmond search
  • Lowry, Mrs. search
  • manufacturing, household; mills search
  • McKinney, James; and Shadwell mills search
  • McKinney, James; partnership with T. M. Randolph search
  • Pleasants, Mr. search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); and Shadwell mills search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); manufacturing mill at Milton search
  • Sammons, James; TJ pays search
  • Shadwell mills; and T. M. Randolph search
  • Shadwell mills; and toll mill search
  • Shadwell mills; managed by J. McKinney search
  • Shoemaker, Jonathan; TJ’s account with search
  • wheat; at Shadwell mills search
  • wheat; price of search