Thomas Jefferson Papers

Elbridge Gerry to Thomas Jefferson, 12 June 1812

From Elbridge Gerry

Cambridge 12th June 1812

My dear Sir,

On the 1st of may I addressed to you a letter, of which a copy is annexed. I conceive, by having been intercepted, it has shared the fate, which often attends my letters.

We are in anxious expectation, that the Cord will be cut, which has too long confined us to the views & interest of our commerical Competitors May God grant to us this event; it will save our Country.

With the most sincere esteem, attachment, & respect—your unfeigned friend

E. Gerry

RC (DLC); at foot of text: “His Excellency Mr Jefferson”; on verso of Dupl of Gerry to TJ, 1 May 1812; endorsed by TJ as received 24 June 1812 and so recorded in SJL.

The anticipated event was the American declaration of war on Great Britain, which came six days later.

Index Entries

  • Gerry, Elbridge (1744–1814); fears his letters intercepted search
  • Gerry, Elbridge (1744–1814); letters from search
  • War of1812; E. Gerry on search