George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Colonel Elias Dayton, 24 July 1780

To Colonel Elias Dayton

Head Quarters Colo. Deys [Preakness, N.J.]
July 24th 1780


I have been for some days past under apprehensions for the safety of your Regiment—It is certainly too much exposed in its present position—I therefore desire that you will remove it some distance into the Country where it may be less exposed and yet answer the purposes for which it was sent into the neighbourhood of Elizabeth Town1—It appears to me that West Farms would be a good position as I observed in my letter of the 10th—When you have given the necessary orders for this purpose, you will proceed to Head Quarters—but, before you set off, I wish you to leave such directions with your Son as will enable him to carry on the train of intelligence you are now engaged in.2 I am Sir Your Most Obet hum. Servt

Go: Washington

N.B. The Business of Flags should also be well attended to—to prevent abuses.3

G. W——n

LS, in Richard Kidder Meade’s writing, in private hands; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. GW wrote and signed the postscript on the LS. Meade penned the draft, but GW wrote its postscript: “N.B. The Flag Boats should also be well attended to—to prevt abuses.”

1For the assignment of Dayton’s regiment to Elizabeth, N.J., see GW to Dayton, 10 July.

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