Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Elias B. Dayton, 2 April 1800

To Elias B. Dayton, 2 April 1800

New York April 2. 1800


You will in future furnish the Troops at the Union Cantonment with all those Articles specified in the Regulation of the War Office dated the 1. March 1800 under the directions of Colonel Ogden Deputy Quarter Master General whose instructions in relation thereto you are implicitly to follow

Whatever of the Articles sent and in

You are to consider yourself as having been authorised by me for whatever articles specified in the above mentioned Regulations you may have furnished antecedent to the first of April, and you will make out your accounts accordingly

with true considern &

Mr Dayton—

(Df, in the handwriting of Philip Church, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).

Index Entries