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Results 25201-25250 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The intercourse between the inhabitants of the States and the Citizens of New York, by means of...
You will be pleased to procure for with an immediately a baggage waggon for the use of General...
I have the pleasure to congratulate you on your late promotion to the Rank of Brigadier General...
You will in future furnish the Troops at the Union Cantonment with all those Articles specified...
It gives me the most pleasing sensations to find so cordial a welcome on my return, in peace, to...
I am favd with yours of the 20th Feby and am sorry to find from it that the ill state of your...
At the request of Sir Henry Clinton I have promised an escort to a sum of Money which he is to...
Before the departure of His Excellency the Commander in Chief for Philadelphia, he wrote a Letter...
I have rec’d your’s of the 23d, you must consider your present post of importance and the nearer...
The late accounts from New York are mysterious and perplexing, but they at any rate demand that...
Having recd information that the Fleet have left the Capes of Delaware and steered Eastward, you...
I recd your favr of the 28th: That of yesterday reached me late last Night. I most sincerely wish...
I received your favor of the 9th instant in due time, accompanied by a very particular Return of...
Altho’ it seems probable that matters will remain tolerably quiet in New York for the remainder...
You will be pleased to give the Officer commanding the Artillery upon the West side of the River...
I inclose you Copy of the General Order confirming the sentences on Gibbs & Young—You have also a...
I have recd both your favors of the 15th announcing the arrival of Admiral Greaves, which is...
I have received your letter of yesterday, and shall have attended carefully to the explanation...
The Assembly of this State, at their last sitting, passed a law for the payment of the provision...
I have never yet heard whether the Officers have had any or what success under the Law for...
The inclosed for General Forman is of so much importance that I do not care to trust it to a...
It is extremely painfull to me, to have continually to remark on the irregular manner in which...
I have received your favor of the 12th and am glad to find you have got rid of the person who...
I thank you for this Address. It was impossible for you to assemble on the 4th. of July for the...
Presuming you are Presidt of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey, I give you...
I inclose you by the Commd of his Excellency a Warrant for the Execution of George Cook, the time...
It is long since I have been extremely solicitous to cut off all communication with the Enemy as...
I have been for some days past under apprehensions for the safety of your Regiment—It is...
I did myself the pleasure of writing to you the 28th of March last importing his Excellency’s...
The sta sick of the Brigade stationed here will remain after the disbandment under the care of a...
Imediately on the Receipt of this you will be pleased to collect all the Troops of your Brigade...
After writing to you Yesterday, your Letter of the 8th came to me—a Letter from Justice Symes,...
You will march immediately with the Jersey Line and Hazens Regt to the Heights between Chatham...
I have received yours of the 27th Ulto. It appears by accounts from General Forman that the Fleet...
The inclosed Letter, from Majr Burnet, just now came to Genl Greene. You will compare the...
I am sorry that we have not yet been able to get a return for the papers I last sent you, as the...
You will be pleased to furnish a Subalterns Guard upon the order of the Secretary of War, who...
Some Convoys are coming on from the Jersies to Dobb’s Ferry—for their Security against the...
Camp at Cross Roads [ Pennsylvania ] August 14, 1777. Instructs Dayton to send information on...
I have recd yours of the 15th. I shall be glad to be informed whether the Fleet mentioned by you,...
I propose setting out for the North River in a short time, & wish you to detach a Capt. & 40 Men...
After maturely considering the Circumstances that attend the communication with Mr & the little...
I have been favd with yours of the 2d instant. It is very unaccountable that so many Indications...
Annexed is a duplicate of what I had written to you on the 27th ulto the original I fear...
Col. Smith informs me that the requisite quantity of bricks and stones not having been furnished...
I was Yesterday favored with your Letter without Date. Had not the Enemy made the Movement which...
Yours of the 14th Inst. I have received, and am obliged to Observe that the proceedings of the...
I enclose you the Copy of a Letter from His Excellency Governor Livingston to me, informg that...
Inclose You three Letters for Lord Fairfax & two others for the Reverend Denny Martin of Leeds...
I last night recd your favr of the 9th. The intelligence you communicate is interesting and what...