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Results 25201-25250 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I wrote your Excellency this morning, since which have had the honor of receiving your Favor of...
I had the Honor of addressing your excellency; on the 17th from Tapan. Colonel Durkee returned in...
In answer to your favr, and request of yesterday, I wish it was in my power to give you the...
As it seems most probable to me that the Enemy will ford the River upon our Right, I desire you...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Anthony Wayne, 20 Sept. 1777. Wayne wrote GW on 21 Sept. :...
I beg Leave to inform you that my Wound is so much better that I am able to hop about again, and...
AD : University of Pennsylvania Library These jottings are beyond question an early step in...
252081777 Septr. 21. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
It was a false alarm which occasioned our Flight from Philadelphia. Not a Soldier of Howes has...
I immagine before this reaches you some very important Event must take place betwen the two...
[ September 20, 1777. On September 21, 1777, Hamilton and Laurens wrote to Sullivan : “We have...
paid at Christiana for family’s breakfast, horses &c.— £6.5  paid on the road from thence to...
We have just received your favour of Yesterday, desiring from us a Testimony of your Conduct, so...
The distressed situation of the army for want of blankets and many necessary articles of...
AL (draft): Library of Congress Three Spanish Gentlemen, Natives of Peru, and Officers in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society On my leaving St. Malo I wrote You giveing You an Account of...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. de la faye qui fait mille sincéres complimens à Monsieur...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Republicks of Switzerland have been treated with the...
25218General Orders, 21 September 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Honorable Congress have been pleased to appoint The Count Pulaski, to chief command of the...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Philemon Dickinson, 21 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Dickinson on 22...
I am very sorry to disturb Your Excellency at this time with a Letter upon private Business; but...
The distressed situation of the army for want of blankets and many necessary articles of...
There being some wounded Officers & Men of your Army at Howel’s Tavern & the neighbouring Houses,...
Your Favor of this date was received this Evening & agreable to your request have sent Doctor...
There has Just fell in to my hands, found in the Tract of [the] Enemy by Some of my people some...
Letter not found: from John Augustine Washington, 21 Sept. 1777. GW wrote his brother Jack on 18...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Anthony Wayne, 21 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Wayne on 23 Sept. : “I...
About 11 OClock last Evening we were alarmed by a firing from One of our Out guards—The Division...
D : American Philosophical Society Monsieur FILLEUL a l’honneur de vous faire part de son...
252291777. Monday. Septr. 22. (Adams Papers)
Breakfasted at Ringolds in Quaker Town, dined at Shannons in Easton at the Forks, slept at...
Having here observed a diligent attention to the sick and wounded, and a benevolent desire to...
I left camp last evening and came to this city to superintend the collection of blankets and...
I have order’d eight or Ten light Horse more to your assistance, and if you should find a further...
I am in Philadelphia on some business of great importance to the army; to execute which I stand...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The pamphlets I was to send you, as we agreed, were broght...
25235General Orders, 22 September 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Clothier General is immediately to distribute all the cloaths and shoes in his possession....
I would just suggest the propriety of Sending Some active persons to Bristol & Trenton to impress...
In this Place the Inhabitants are almost all Tories. I have endeavoured to obtain Information...
I am favd with yours of the 21st and am happy to find that you are on the point of marching to...
Letter not found: to John Hancock or Any Member of the Continental Congress, 22 Sept. 1777....
I wrote to you about ten days ago, directing you to join this Army with the utmost expedition....
I have order’d eight or Ten light Horse more to your assistance, and if you should find a further...
I wrote you on Friday last requesting your earliest arrival with the Troops under your command to...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. Anthony Wayne, 22 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Wayne on 23 Sept. : “I...
252441777. Tuesday. Septr. 23. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Okeley Okely , Mr. Hassey Hasse and Mr. Edwine Ettwein came to see me. Mr. Edwine shewed Us,...
by Virtue of powers from His Excellency General Washington I do hereby Authorise you to require...
In consequence of orders received from His Excellency General Washington, I desire you will press...
25247General Orders, 23 September 1777 (Washington Papers)
The General expects the returns of the army to morrow morning without fail, and enjoins it upon...
25248Council of War, 23 September 1777 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War held at the Camp near Potts Grove the 23d day of Septemr 1777. Present His...
It is of the utmost importance to prevent the Enemy’s Land Forces and Fleet from forming a...
I have not had the honor of addressing you since your adjournment to Lancaster, and I sincerely...