James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Moses Dawson, 25 September 1824

To Moses Dawson

Montpellier Sepr. 25. 1824


I have just received your letter of the 3d. instant, accompanied by a Copy of the “Historical narrative &c &c” for which I return my thanks. I cannot doubt that the volume will be found valuable not only for the authentic view given of the public career of a *distinguished officer*;1 but for the historical Materials which it embodies in relation to an important portion of our Country during a period marked by scenes & events, the preservation of which is due to posterity. With friendly respects

James Madison

RC (NN: Lee Kohns Memorial Collection); draft (DLC). RC addressed and franked by JM, with his direction “via City of Washington”; postmarked Orange Court House, 28 Sept.; docketed by Dawson.

1In an unidentified hand, asterisks were placed before and after the phrase “distinguished officer,” and “Gen Harrison” interlined above it.

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