Results 25191-25200 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
On enquiring respecting a proper situation in a mercantile house for your nephew, and after...
My last public letter to you was dated Janry. 7th. and acknowledged the receipt of yours of Novr....
I wrote to you the other day in reply to your ler. recd from Col. Carrington. The communications...
Your favour of the 29th: ultimo, reached me last post. The general orders of the 11th: of March...
251954th. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Very unwell all day, but went notwithstanding that to the English Library and took out the 3d....
La bonté avec laquelle vous avez daigné Repondre a la lettre que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous...
Mrs Bloomfield by a fall had three of her Ribs fractur’d on the 3d Instant. I was sent for by...
I am favor’d with your private address of the 3d. Inst. Instead of making use of the Mayor of...
I had the honor to write to you on the 8th. Inst., & to trans mi t amongst other papers, copy of...
The Memorial of Lieut. Vernon, Quartr. Mr. Embree, Volunteer Willett of the British Legion, and...