Results 25191-25200 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
25191 Washington, George McDougall, Alexander George Washington to Major General Alexander McDougall … 1778-03-16 Valley Forge, March 16, 1778 . Instructs McDougall to set up court of inquiry to investigate...
25192 Hamilton, Alexander French, Samuel From Alexander Hamilton to Major Samuel French, [20 … 1778-03-20 His Excellency has received good information, that there is a number of arms and spare Bayonets,...
25193 Washington, George Howe, William George Washington to Sir William Howe, 22 March 1778 1778-03-22 [ Valley Forge ] March 22, 1778 . Demands exchange of Lieutenant Colonel Ethan Allen for...
25194 Hamilton, Alexander Shreve, Israel From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Israel Shreve, [25 … 1778-03-25 His Excellency desires me to inform you, that he, has given directions for the party stationed at...
25195 Washington, George Forman, David George Washington to Colonel David Forman, 25 March … 1778-03-25 Valley Forge, March 25, 1778 . Orders Forman to leave salt works and join Colonel Israel Shreve’s...
25196 Washington, George Livingston, William George Washington to William Livingston, 25 March 1778 1778-03-25 Valley Forge, March 25, 1778 . Asks Livingston to have Mr. Jacob Bankson watched as a suspected...
25197 Washington, George Moylan, Stephen George Washington to Colonel Stephen Moylan, 25 March … 1778-03-25 Valley Forge, March 25, 1778 . Orders transfer of horses to Iveham and Springfield if this will...
25198 Durant, Cornelius Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Cornelius Durant, 27 March … 1778-03-27 Boston, March 27, 1778 . Encloses letter from Hugh Knox and requests Hamilton to write to Knox....
25199 Fish, Nicholas Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Major Nicholas Fish, 27 … 1778-03-27 Valley Forge, March 27, 1778 . Requests discharge for Ensign Robert Wood, Second New York...
25200 Washington, George Grayson, William Commission to Colonel William Grayson, Lieutenant … 1778-03-28 By His Excellency, George Washington Esquire, General and Commander in Chief of all the Forces of...