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Results 25191-25200 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have received fellow Citizens, your letter inviting me to a public dinner, at Cincinnatti, on the 4th. of March, to celebrate the expiration on the preceding day, of the Charter of the U. S. Bank; and requesting from me, if unable to attend, an appropriate sentiment to be given in my name, by the Company. Retaining as I do, my convict<ion> heretofore officially, and otherwise expressed, that...
I have just received your letter of the 3d. instant, accompanied by a Copy of the “Historical narrative &c &c” for which I return my thanks. I cannot doubt that the volume will be found valuable not only for the authentic view given of the public career of a *distinguished officer*; but for the historical Materials which it embodies in relation to an important portion of our Country during a...
ALS : British Museum; French translation by Barbeu-Dubourg: American Philosophical Society This letter marked the start of an investigation that engaged Franklin’s attention intermittently for months to come, and embroiled him in one more dispute about the behavior of electricity. The problem was how best to protect the royal powder magazine at Purfleet against lightning. The magazine was new,...
13 February 1804, Washington. “I have recd your favor of the 10th. inst: and remit a dft on the post Master at Fredg. for $54.75. being the amt. of charges on the Tobo. sent by the Atlantic. Be so good as to acknowledge the rect. of it; and if meanwhile you should see Mr. J. Ross of your Town, you will oblige me by saying whether he recd. a letter not long ago from me.” RC ( PHi ). 1 p.;...
Being daily [called on] for tobacco, as well to pay debts as to make purchases, one of Mr. Armisteads assistants is sent to receive from you whatever tobacco notes are in your hands of public property, and for a List of whatever tobaccoes we have where the notes are not in your possession. Shoud the tobaccoes have been shipped or parted with in any instance and the notes retained be so good as...
I have recd your favor of the 30th ulto. I take if for granted that this letter will meet you upon your march from Morris Town. Should you not have advancd too far towards Kingsferry to turn off towards Dobb’s without much Disadvantage, you will be pleased to do it, & inform me of your Arrival upon the West Side, where you will remain till further Orders. I believe I before mentioned my Desire...
I have this moment receiv’d information from Philadelphia that the Enemies Fleet made their appearance at the Capes of Delaware yesterday, you are therefore to march as expeditiously as you can with your own and Colo. Ogdens Regts to Philadelphia by the way of Trenton where Boats will be prepar’d to carry you across. you will take care and not over march your Men. I am yr most Obet Servt. come...
You will immediately, agreeable to the General Order of this day, augment the two light Infantry Companies to the number directed, and you will also be pleased to order three other Companies of equal numbers to be formed by detachment from the Brigade, taking the same care in the choice of Officers and Men as for the light Companies. To enable you to do this more effectually, you may, if you...
Mr Skinner th Commissary of Prisoners has informed me, that the communication between our Posts & those of the Enemy is stop’d, by the Sheriff’s having confined two persons who came in the last Flag. I should not be sorry for this circumstance, was it not of some consequence that the business Mr Skinner has in hand should be completed. I will thank you to make the necessary inquiry into this...
I inclose to your Care my Answer to the Address of the Magistracy and Inhabitants of the Borough of Elizabeth which I pray you will have the goodness to communicate to them. With great esteem and regard I have the honour to be &c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.