Results 25191-25200 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have received fellow Citizens, your letter inviting me to a public dinner, at Cincinnatti, on...
I have just received your letter of the 3d. instant, accompanied by a Copy of the “Historical...
ALS : British Museum; French translation by Barbeu-Dubourg: American Philosophical Society This...
13 February 1804, Washington. “I have recd your favor of the 10th. inst: and remit a dft on the...
Being daily [called on] for tobacco, as well to pay debts as to make purchases, one of Mr....
I have recd your favor of the 30th ulto. I take if for granted that this letter will meet you...
I have this moment receiv’d information from Philadelphia that the Enemies Fleet made their...
You will immediately, agreeable to the General Order of this day, augment the two light Infantry...
Mr Skinner th Commissary of Prisoners has informed me, that the communication between our Posts &...
I inclose to your Care my Answer to the Address of the Magistracy and Inhabitants of the Borough...