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Results 25181-25230 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
You are hereby Authorised by order of His Excellency General Washington to impress any number of Waggons you stand in need of in the neighbourhood of the Camp—you don’t say what number you expect in tomorrow. General Green & Coll. Bidle write, that they meet with the greatest difficulty in foraging for want of Waggons. The General begs you to give them all the assistance you can. For Gods...
Valley Forge, March 2, 1778 . Advises that the stores be removed from the galleys and the ships sunk. LS , in writing of H, George Washington Photostats, Library of Congress.
I have received your Favour of the 13th Feb’y last. Your other Letter has not reached me. I am so Circumstanced at present so much to do & no Body to assist me that I can hardly steal a Moment to write to my Friends tho their Letters always afford me the greatest Pleasure. May I then hope Sir that you will continue to write me frequently tho I shoud not prove a very punctual Correspondent....
It gives me pleasure to inform you that Mr Boudinotte has been able to effect your exchange for a Doctor Mentzes. Allow me to congratulate you on the event. We are again on the business of a general cartel with Mr Howe He seems inclined to meet us on fair ground. Commissioners from us meet an equal number from him the 10th instant. One great and preliminary point to be settled is the...
[ Valley Forge ] March 5, 1778 . Urges Parks to remain in service in spite of temporary disability. Df , in writings of John Laurens and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Parks was a major of the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment.
[ Poughkeepsie, New York, March 6, 1778 . On March 12, 1778, Hamilton wrote to Clinton : “Capt. Coleman delivered me your two letters of the 5th & 6th, instant.” Letter of March 6 not found .]
[ Valley Forge ] March 9, 1778 . Asks that meeting of commissioners for the exchange of prisoners be delayed until March 31, 1778. Is disturbed that, although Major General Richard Prescott was sent to New York City in exchange for Major General Charles Lee, Lee has not yet been sent out of New York City. Asks that Howe immediately order Lee’s release. Df , in writing of H, George Washington...
Capt. Coleman delivered me your two letters of the 5th & 6th, instant. The pleasure, I have, in corresponding with you, will dispose me, whenever I have any thing to communicate, that may be worth your attention, or that appears to me so, to trouble you with my sentiments: But I shall not expect you to make an equal return either in quantity or frequency. You will, in this, intirely consult...
Valley Forge, March 14, 1778 . Instructs Heath to demand liberation of Daniel Hiester and the return of Hiester’s papers and effects. LS , in writing of H, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.
Valley Forge, March 16, 1778 . States that command of Forts Montgomery and Clinton should be placed under general command of the Highlands. Has appointed Major General Alexander McDougall to that general command. Sees no prospect of carrying out intended expedition against Canada. LS , in writing of H, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives. Laurens had succeeded John Hancock as...
Valley Forge, March 16, 1778 . Instructs McDougall to set up court of inquiry to investigate Major General Israel Putnam’s alleged responsibility for fall of Forts Montgomery and Clinton. Appoints McDougall to command of the Highlands. Df , in writing of Tench Tilghman, with postscript in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
His Excellency has received good information, that there is a number of arms and spare Bayonets, at Bordin Town in New Jersey. This he thinks a very improper depositary for them, and desires you will have them removed thence, without delay to one of the Laboratories on this side the Delaware, Allen Town, Lebanon or elsewhere. I am Sir   Your most hum serv ADfS , George Washington Papers,...
[ Valley Forge ] March 22, 1778 . Demands exchange of Lieutenant Colonel Ethan Allen for Lieutenant Colonel Archibald Campbell and release of Captains Isaiah Robinson and Nathaniel Galt. Informs Howe that Elias Boudinot, Colonel William Grayson, and Lieutenant Colonels Alexander Hamilton and Robert Hanson Harrison have been appointed as commissioners for negotiating an exchange of prisoners. Df...
His Excellency desires me to inform you, that he, has given directions for the party stationed at the Salt works, which Col: Forman is raising, to join and act with you, ’till further orders. I am Sir Your hum serv ADfS , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Shreve was a colonel of the Second New Jersey Regiment. Colonel David Forman, of one of the Additional Sixteen Continental...
Valley Forge, March 25, 1778 . Orders Forman to leave salt works and join Colonel Israel Shreve’s regiment. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Valley Forge, March 25, 1778 . Asks Livingston to have Mr. Jacob Bankson watched as a suspected spy. Df , in writings of Robert Hanson Harrison and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Valley Forge, March 25, 1778 . Orders transfer of horses to Iveham and Springfield if this will improve their quarters and forage. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Moylan was a colonel of the Fourth Continental Dragoons.
Boston, March 27, 1778 . Encloses letter from Hugh Knox and requests Hamilton to write to Knox. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Hugh Knox to H, December 10, 1777 .
Valley Forge, March 27, 1778 . Requests discharge for Ensign Robert Wood, Second New York Regiment. ALS , RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives.
By His Excellency, George Washington Esquire, General and Commander in Chief of all the Forces of the United States of America. To Colonel William Grayson, Lieutenant Colonels Robert Hanson Harrison and Alexander Hamilton and Elias Boudinot Esquire Commissary General of Prisoners Whereas a proposition was made, by me, on the 30th day of July 1776, to His Excellency General Sir William Howe,...
It is His Excellency’s desire that you immediately send to camp a good active vigilant officer with twenty horse. Let both horses and men be picked, as the service they are intended for will require able horses and trusty men who will not desert. They are wanted to relieve Capt Lee, and perform the duties his parties did. Be pleased to have it done without delay. Dr Col:   Yrs. with regard ALS...
Whereas Congress concur in opinion with General Washington that there are some Ambiguities characterizing the Measures taken by Genl. Howe respecting General Lee, which justify alarming surmises, notwithstanding all that has passed to the contrary. Resolved That General Washington be informed that it is the intention of Congress that it should be a preliminary in the proposed Cartel for a...
Voila votre reponse mon Cher Baron! Par le camp De Bound Brook, Je suppose que vous voulez dire le Camp de Middle Brook, lequel est tres pres de Bound Brook, et nous n’avons point eu de camp la. C’est une position infiniment avantageuse a tous egards, situé sur une montagne fort escarpé, les approaches en front et par les flancs extremement difficile, couvert de bois &c. Le retraite en est...
The inclosed Resolutions of Congress came to my hand this instant, and as they are essentially necessary for your Government I have sent them immediately by Express. The first four Resolves are absolute and therefore you are obliged to insist upon the terms therein directed. But do not let the last embarrass you or impede your Business. I have so perfect a reliance upon your judgment and upon...
We have reported to Sir Wm. Howe your observations on his Commission to us for settling a Cartel for the Exchange of Prisoners; therefore if it will not be inconvenient, We will beg the favor of you to stay in German Town ’till ten o’clock, at which time We will do ourselves the honor of waiting on you to lay before you Sir Wm: Howe’s Sentiments on that matter. We are   Gentlemen   With due...
We have the honor of your favor per flag; Having inform’d General Washington of the message delivered yesterday from Sir W. Howe, & of our intentions to return to camp immediately, in consequence of it; we do not think ourselves at liberty, to use so much delay, as would afford us the pleasure of the interview proposed. We are   Gentlemen with due respect   yr. Very hble servts. Df , or copy,...
We have to request, you will order a couple of very good teams to be got ready to proceed to the enemy’s lines for General Lee’s baggage. He is to come out on parole, on Sunday morning. You will judge when they ought to set out from here—suppose tomorrow noon, so as to get in the neighbourhood of Vandeering’s Mill by tomorrow night. When they are ready to set out tomorrow let them make report...
By command of His Excellency, I am to desire, you will send a corporal and six dragoons, with a Trumpeter to Head Quarters, without loss of time. They are wanted to escort the Commissioners on our part who are to meet on the subject of a general Cartel. You need not be told they must be picked men and horses—must make the best possible appearance—must be very trusty and very intelligent. They...
Valley Forge , April 3, 1778 . Recommends that Captain Henry Lee be promoted. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
To His Excellency George Washington Esquire, General and Commander in Chief of the Forces of the United States of America. We, the Commissioners appointed by Your Excellency, “to confer, determine and agree upon a Treaty and Convention, for the exchange of Prisoners of War, and for all matters whatsoever, which may be properly contained therein” beg leave to report— That in pursuance of Your...
By His Excellency George Washington Esquire General and Commander in chief of all the Forces of the United States of America To Colonel William Grayson, Lieutenant Colonels Robert Hanson Harrison and Alexander Hamilton, and Elias Boudinot Esquire Commissary General of prisoners. Whereas a proposition was made by me on the 30th: day of July 1776, to His Excellency General Sir William Howe, and...
[ Valley Forge ] April 4, 1778 . Discusses change of meeting place for commissioners from Germantown to Newtown. Df , in writings of Robert Hanson Harrison and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Until further Orders, advanced Posts and Patrols are not to prevent all persons, having Passports Signed by two of the following Officers, to pass unmolested, Viz.: Cols. O’Hara and Stephens, and Capt. Fitzpatrick, of the British; Col. Gregson, Lieut.-Col. Hamilton, and Mr. Boudinot (Commissary of Prisoners), belonging to the Enemy. Colls. of the N.Y. Hist. Soc. for 1883 (New York, 1884), 564....
[ Valley Forge ] April 5, 1778 . Cannot comply with Mrs. Pemberton’s request, but is forwarding it to Thomas Wharton, Jr., who will no doubt approve the application. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Mrs. Pemberton had applied for a passport for wagons carrying supplies to her husband who was a prisoner. Wharton was president of the Supreme Executive Council...
[ Valley Forge ] April 5, 1778 . Encloses letter from Mary Pemberton. Has refused her request but will convey the wagons requested, if Wharton agrees. LS , in writing of H, George Washington Photostats, Library of Congress.
The Commissioners appointed by His Excellency General Washington to confer, determine and agree upon a Treaty and Convention for the Exchange of Prisoners of War, and for all matters whatsoever, that may be properly contained therein— Having examined the powers on the part of General Sir William Howe to his Commissioners and compared them with their own, observe a difference, which, in their...
1st.  Qre? … In what light are the prisoners sent out by General Howe to be considered? 2d  … How far and for what proportion are we bound to account? 3d  … When and upon what terms are the British and foreign prisoners in our hands to be returned? Who are to be considered as citizens on both sides? 4th  … Are Americans, who join the enemy, when not in captivity, and taken in Arms to be...
Memorandums Arts: All officers and soldiers, prisoners of war on either side shall be exchanged on the terms and in the manner following. Those first captured shall be first exchanged. Every officer shall be exchanged for one of equal rank, as far as number will apply, except when there are officers, who have been longer in captivity, that cannot be so exchanged; in which case, these shall...
A Treaty and Convention for the Exchange and Accommodation of Prisoners of War, made between the Armies of The United States of America and The Kingdom of Great Britain; and for other purposes therein specified. Whereas on the 30th. day of July, in the year 1776, a proposition was made by His Excellency General Washington to His Excellency General Sir William Howe, and acceded to by him, on...
The Commissioners appointed by His Excellency Sir William Howe to take into Consideration all past Transactions relative to the Exchange of Prisoners, to adjust the differences that have so long subsisted in regard to them, to remove all Difficulties that may arise in carrying into Execution a General Exchange of Prisoners with both Parties at this Time, & finally to establish a regular &...
The Commissioners, appointed by His Excellency General Washington, “to confer, determine and agree upon a Treaty and Convention, for the exchange of prisoners of war, and for all matters whatsoever, that may be properly contained therein,” are inexpressibly concerned, to find, that the Commissioners on the part of General Sir William Howe should think it necessary to make the objections stated...
Sir, Last Decm’r a Twelvemonth a Small Box was Taken at or Near Princetown And Deposited in an Amunition Cart & Supposed to be Taken From thence by Capt. Crane. I can Assure you that I have Seen a Box in Crane’s Possession That answers the Description & Since the Discovery he is prepareing to Leave the Continent. He Now Resides in Clarks Town, Orange County. A Line to Collo. Gilbert Coper at...
To His Excellency George Washington Esquire General and Commander in chief of the Forces of the United States of America. We the Commissioners appointed by Your Excellency, “to confer, determine and agree upon a Treaty and Convention for the exchange of Prisoners of War, and for all matters whatsoever which may be properly contained therein,” beg leave to report— That, agreeable to Your...
[ Valley Forge ] April 19, 1778 . States that a horse not fit for service should be returned to a Mr. Sellers, its owner. Signed “A Hamilton ADC.” The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography , XVI (1892), 196.
[ Valley Forge ] April 20, 1778 . Lists three plans for next campaign, with possible modes of execution for each plan. Asks officers for opinions. LS , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Valley Forge, April 24, 1778 . Invites Armstrong to council of war. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Valley Forge, April 24, 1778 . States that a box of “hard” money taken from British at Princeton in winter of 1777 is suspected to be in the hands of a Captain—Lieutenant Joseph Crane of Orange County. Asks Clinton to investigate matter. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. An enclosure in this letter was Richard Kip, Jr., to H, April 15, 1778 .
Valley Forge, April 24, 1778. Invites Mifflin to council of war. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
By command of His Excellency, I inclose you a letter to him from the officers of the German batalion. There appears, by the representation, to be something particular in the circumstances of that batalion, with respect to cloathing, which deserves attention. You will do whatever can be done with propriety to put them upon an equal footing with other Regiments. I am Sir   Your most Obed Serv...
Valley Forge, April 26, 1778 . States that the British conciliatory handbills have had free circulation among the troops. Asks Tryon to circulate among Tory troops copies of a resolution of Congress concerning the pardoning of those who have levied war against the states. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Tryon was the Loyalist governor of New York.