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Results 25181-25190 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have purchased a spinning machine in Washington , thro’ the friendly agency of Doct r Thornton , for which the bearer Davy is now sent with a cart. he is furnished with provisions for himself & horses to Washington and back, and 5.D. for his ferriages & other accidental calls, and therefore I have no reason to expect he will need any thing more. should any extraordinary accident, or a longer...
At the receipt of my claim, in a draft, which, I hope, will be duly discharg’d, I find myself under inexpressible obligations to you and by you, to accept the present acknowledgments, for the Service, you have, So kindly, render’d me, in the case. Gratitude, being one of the most precious principles, man can possess, happy, indeed, must he be, who can appreciate all the delights, there are in...
Your letter of June 17 h to M r Peyton communicated to me on the 18 h & that of the 18 h to myself delivered the same day conveyed the first notice I have ever had that you claimed a single foot of the lands which had belonged to the late Bennett Henderson . I am a bonafide purchaser of those lands and paid more for them than I thought their clear fee simple value, which I certainly should not...
I wrote you three days ago thro’ the post office, but by an unfortunate change of our post days, I expect my cart will convey this sooner still to it’s destination. the object of that letter was to explain the delays which had taken place in sending for the Spinning machine; the present is to request you to have it delivered to the bearer, Davy , who carries a cart for the purpose. instead of...
Though the debates of last evening exhibiting the pitiful and undignified manner in which Ministers are retreating from the Orders in Council, after the sordid principles upon which they have endeavoured to sustain them, give little encouragement to the hope of any beneficial consequences; I think it right to inform you that I have an appointment with Lord Sid-mouth at one O’Clock to morrow...
By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Whereas the Congress of the United States by virtue of the constitutional authority vested in them, have declared by their act bearing date the 18th day of the present month, that war exists between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the dependences thereof, and the United States of America and their Territories;...
19 June 1812, War Department. Proposes the appointment of Edward Fox of Pennsylvania as commissary general in the U.S. Army. Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 107, LSP ). 1 p. JM nominated Fox in a message to the Senate of 22 June 1812. The Senate referred the nomination to a select committee on 26 June. JM withdrew Fox’s name on 1 July and replaced it with that of Samuel Carswell of Pennsylvania (...
imediately after writing to yo u I was seised with an extreme fit of Illness which confined me to my bed until a few days since which is the only reason why I did not send the machine according to yours as well as my own calculations But the misfortune however disagreeable was unavoidable I have Marked the Machine or the parts of it so that I think there will be no difficulty in putting it...
Your favor of May 15. came to hand in due time. on the course of the suit of Livingston , I had thought with you that the question of jurisdiction might have been kept in reserve, as a dernier resort, and had suggested to the gentlemen in Richmond the pleading 1. the general issue, which would have tried the question of the public title, very interesting to the city of New Orleans ; 2....
In the course of the last Autumn and Winter, I wrote you five Letters on a particular, but most interesting subject; one of which I perceive by yours of 18. December you had then received—Soon after writing the last of them I became engaged in occupations which stopp’d me in the progress of my plan to continue that Series of Letters, and afterwards during the remainder of the Winter, my own...