Results 25181-25190 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Capt. Denniss going so Early only permits me Time To enclose to Your Excly a Sketch of The Diary from the [Atlantic] Highlands and The Information of a Certain Lt Wolcott. I have The Honr to be Your Excly Most obdt Humble Servt ALS , DLC:GW . For the return of pilot Patrick Dennis to headquarters, see GW to Henry Lee, Jr., 19 July . The enclosed report of ship movements in New York Harbor sent...
Refering to my last respects of 20th of March, by the ship Benjn. Franklin from Havre. I have the honour to adress you a statement of occurences since that time in whatever relates to the Commerce & interests of our Country. My former inclosures (No. 1), related to the situation of three American sailors condemned to twenty four Years chains. I am sorry to say that this sentence has since been...
I am under the disagreeable nessity of disturbing your repose, by a call upon you, if in your wisdom you think it right—to put in the reach of the Proctor the means, to release me from my present wants for money, I am in such wan t of about $1500 that if I fail in getting it, the consequence will be money Suits, and what is still more the inability to pay about 5 or 600$ borrowed money, which...
I was honored with a line from your Excellency dated 16th Inst. which I recieved on my return from our state Cloathier —Agreeably to our information the enemy are now manoeuvreing, their real design is yet to us a secret, it seems more than that of forageing—what is doing at Hackinsack we are ignorant of, I hope your Excellency has proper information; this much I can assertain; that they are...
I some Days Since Presented to your Excellency The Disposition of the Troops at this Post. I have not as yet received your Excellency Express approbation I am Endeavouring to Compleat the Business your Excellency Assigned to me, as fast as Possible. On the 21st Instant I received a Letter from General Lee a Copy of which is Inclosed, I returned him for Answer that my Division was Posted at...
Letter not found: from Lovell and Urquhart, 8 Nov. 1792. Tobias Lear, in his letter to Lovell and Urquhart of 16 Dec. , referred to “your letter to him [GW] of the 8th of Novr.”
You have heard no doubt that the Republicans have taken me up for Congress in this district, & the question is now settled in my favor. The Election was held here on this day, I obtained 549 votes, Mr. Wilson 205 Majority in Harrison 344. My Majority in Ohio was 83 Wilsons in Monongalia 173—giving me an aggregate majority of 254 votes. Brooke County will vote next Monday it gives usually 300...
Permit us to congratulate your Excellency on your Election to the first office in your Country: In the discharge of which, We must sincerely and ardently wish you the success that our personal knowledge and experience assure us, your Exertion, Zeal and perseverance to promote the Honor, Interest, and Prosperity of the United States will most amply merit: The warm part We take in the Welfare of...
Your letter of the 22d of October, having with some others been mis-laid, is the best, indeed the only apology I have to offer for this long delay in acknowledging the receipt of it. But let me request the favor of you now to transmit me the cost of the Sattin, and of the Floor Matting which Mr Morris informs me has been sent by the Sloop Polly Captn Harrison; and the amount shall be remitted...
I have received, my dear Sir, your favor of the 17th. The motives to it are as precious to me, as its object is controvertible. You have certainly presented your views of the subject with great skill and great force. But you have not sufficiently adverted to the position I have assumed, and which has been accorded or rather assigned to me by others, of being withdrawn from party agitations, by...