Results 25181-25190 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
You are hereby Authorised by order of His Excellency General Washington to impress any number of Waggons you stand in need of in the neighbourhood of the Camp—you don’t say what number you expect in tomorrow. General Green & Coll. Bidle write, that they meet with the greatest difficulty in foraging for want of Waggons. The General begs you to give them all the assistance you can. For Gods...
Valley Forge, March 2, 1778 . Advises that the stores be removed from the galleys and the ships sunk. LS , in writing of H, George Washington Photostats, Library of Congress.
I have received your Favour of the 13th Feb’y last. Your other Letter has not reached me. I am so Circumstanced at present so much to do & no Body to assist me that I can hardly steal a Moment to write to my Friends tho their Letters always afford me the greatest Pleasure. May I then hope Sir that you will continue to write me frequently tho I shoud not prove a very punctual Correspondent....
It gives me pleasure to inform you that Mr Boudinotte has been able to effect your exchange for a Doctor Mentzes. Allow me to congratulate you on the event. We are again on the business of a general cartel with Mr Howe He seems inclined to meet us on fair ground. Commissioners from us meet an equal number from him the 10th instant. One great and preliminary point to be settled is the...
[ Valley Forge ] March 5, 1778 . Urges Parks to remain in service in spite of temporary disability. Df , in writings of John Laurens and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Parks was a major of the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment.
[ Poughkeepsie, New York, March 6, 1778 . On March 12, 1778, Hamilton wrote to Clinton : “Capt. Coleman delivered me your two letters of the 5th & 6th, instant.” Letter of March 6 not found .]
[ Valley Forge ] March 9, 1778 . Asks that meeting of commissioners for the exchange of prisoners be delayed until March 31, 1778. Is disturbed that, although Major General Richard Prescott was sent to New York City in exchange for Major General Charles Lee, Lee has not yet been sent out of New York City. Asks that Howe immediately order Lee’s release. Df , in writing of H, George Washington...
Capt. Coleman delivered me your two letters of the 5th & 6th, instant. The pleasure, I have, in corresponding with you, will dispose me, whenever I have any thing to communicate, that may be worth your attention, or that appears to me so, to trouble you with my sentiments: But I shall not expect you to make an equal return either in quantity or frequency. You will, in this, intirely consult...
Valley Forge, March 14, 1778 . Instructs Heath to demand liberation of Daniel Hiester and the return of Hiester’s papers and effects. LS , in writing of H, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.
Valley Forge, March 16, 1778 . States that command of Forts Montgomery and Clinton should be placed under general command of the Highlands. Has appointed Major General Alexander McDougall to that general command. Sees no prospect of carrying out intended expedition against Canada. LS , in writing of H, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives. Laurens had succeeded John Hancock as...