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Results 25181-25230 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
You are hereby Authorised by order of His Excellency General Washington to impress any number of...
Valley Forge, March 2, 1778 . Advises that the stores be removed from the galleys and the ships...
I have received your Favour of the 13th Feb’y last. Your other Letter has not reached me. I am so...
It gives me pleasure to inform you that Mr Boudinotte has been able to effect your exchange for a...
[ Valley Forge ] March 5, 1778 . Urges Parks to remain in service in spite of temporary...
[ Poughkeepsie, New York, March 6, 1778 . On March 12, 1778, Hamilton wrote to Clinton : “Capt....
[ Valley Forge ] March 9, 1778 . Asks that meeting of commissioners for the exchange of prisoners...
Capt. Coleman delivered me your two letters of the 5th & 6th, instant. The pleasure, I have, in...
Valley Forge, March 14, 1778 . Instructs Heath to demand liberation of Daniel Hiester and the...
Valley Forge, March 16, 1778 . States that command of Forts Montgomery and Clinton should be...
Valley Forge, March 16, 1778 . Instructs McDougall to set up court of inquiry to investigate...
His Excellency has received good information, that there is a number of arms and spare Bayonets,...
[ Valley Forge ] March 22, 1778 . Demands exchange of Lieutenant Colonel Ethan Allen for...
His Excellency desires me to inform you, that he, has given directions for the party stationed at...
Valley Forge, March 25, 1778 . Orders Forman to leave salt works and join Colonel Israel Shreve’s...
Valley Forge, March 25, 1778 . Asks Livingston to have Mr. Jacob Bankson watched as a suspected...
Valley Forge, March 25, 1778 . Orders transfer of horses to Iveham and Springfield if this will...
Boston, March 27, 1778 . Encloses letter from Hugh Knox and requests Hamilton to write to Knox....
Valley Forge, March 27, 1778 . Requests discharge for Ensign Robert Wood, Second New York...
By His Excellency, George Washington Esquire, General and Commander in Chief of all the Forces of...
It is His Excellency’s desire that you immediately send to camp a good active vigilant officer...
Whereas Congress concur in opinion with General Washington that there are some Ambiguities...
Voila votre reponse mon Cher Baron! Par le camp De Bound Brook, Je suppose que vous voulez dire...
The inclosed Resolutions of Congress came to my hand this instant, and as they are essentially...
We have reported to Sir Wm. Howe your observations on his Commission to us for settling a Cartel...
We have the honor of your favor per flag; Having inform’d General Washington of the message...
We have to request, you will order a couple of very good teams to be got ready to proceed to the...
By command of His Excellency, I am to desire, you will send a corporal and six dragoons, with a...
Valley Forge , April 3, 1778 . Recommends that Captain Henry Lee be promoted. Df , in writing of...
To His Excellency George Washington Esquire, General and Commander in Chief of the Forces of the...
By His Excellency George Washington Esquire General and Commander in chief of all the Forces of...
[ Valley Forge ] April 4, 1778 . Discusses change of meeting place for commissioners from...
Until further Orders, advanced Posts and Patrols are not to prevent all persons, having Passports...
[ Valley Forge ] April 5, 1778 . Cannot comply with Mrs. Pemberton’s request, but is forwarding...
[ Valley Forge ] April 5, 1778 . Encloses letter from Mary Pemberton. Has refused her request but...
The Commissioners appointed by His Excellency General Washington to confer, determine and agree...
1st.  Qre? … In what light are the prisoners sent out by General Howe to be considered? 2d  … How...
Memorandums Arts: All officers and soldiers, prisoners of war on either side shall be exchanged...
A Treaty and Convention for the Exchange and Accommodation of Prisoners of War, made between the...
The Commissioners appointed by His Excellency Sir William Howe to take into Consideration all...
The Commissioners, appointed by His Excellency General Washington, “to confer, determine and...
Sir, Last Decm’r a Twelvemonth a Small Box was Taken at or Near Princetown And Deposited in an...
To His Excellency George Washington Esquire General and Commander in chief of the Forces of the...
[ Valley Forge ] April 19, 1778 . States that a horse not fit for service should be returned to a...
[ Valley Forge ] April 20, 1778 . Lists three plans for next campaign, with possible modes of...
Valley Forge, April 24, 1778 . Invites Armstrong to council of war. Df , in writing of H, George...
Valley Forge, April 24, 1778 . States that a box of “hard” money taken from British at Princeton...
Valley Forge, April 24, 1778. Invites Mifflin to council of war. Df , in writing of H, George...
By command of His Excellency, I inclose you a letter to him from the officers of the German...
Valley Forge, April 26, 1778 . States that the British conciliatory handbills have had free...