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Results 25181-25190 of 184,431 sorted by author
The Bearer, Thomas Robertson, we understand is an Applicant for the place of Agent of the United States with the Chickasaw Indians, and has applied to us for our recommendation. He was born and educated in the neighbourhood of Georgetown and has been known to us from his infancy. He has sustained a fair reputation for honesty and handsome talents and we believe deserves it. As far as we...
Being informed that the office of United States’ Attorney for the district of Orleans is now vacant, I presume to mention for that appointment Lewis Kerr now resident in New-Orleans. He is a man of genius and very handsome acquirements—of sound integrity and pure republican principles. So far as I am capable of judging, he possesses considerable and competent professional skill, having been...
I have the honor to enclose to you, by order of His Excellency Governor Claiborne, a list of persons recommended for the Legislative Council of the Orleans Territory. He finds it difficult to state with certainty more of these Gentlemen than the country which gave them birth, and education, and their Situation in Society:—Their political bias is believed to be in favor of republicanism and...
His Excellency Governor Claiborne, in consequence of a severe attack of fever, common at this season and in this climate, which disables him from writing even his name, has directed me to state to you Sir, that, your letters of the 12th . and 17th. July to himself and the Superior of the Nuns of St. Ursula have been received.—The first will be attended to, the moment health permits, and the...
25 August 1804, New Orleans. “By last mail I had the honour of writing the President of the United States a brief account of the illness of the Governor and his Lady, by order of His Excellency. He now directs me to say to you that, although a convalescent so delicate is his health and so unfavorable the season, the probability of a relapse is by no means removed: His Lady’s situation is still...
Although personally unacquainted,—I have, from my infancy, been taught to love and revere Thomas Jefferson !—those sentiments were early implanted in my mind by, my father , who ever felt for him the most high respect and affectionate esteem—and now—when I hear, from that beloved & excellent father , of the renewed instances of the generous goodness, we have admired—and when every grateful...
My pecuniary necessities compell me to ask the amount of your a/c. Professional engagments deny me the pleasure of calling personally upon you. I have therefore, prevailed with Mr Morton, to do me the favour to present this. I am Dear Sir with every sentiment of respectfull esteem Yours &c RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM , with his note: “pd. accordingly.”
I received yours of the 12 Ultimo several days since but my time has been so occupied as to prevent me from noticing its contents sooner. It affords me pleasure to lern that you are at length likely to be freed from so unpleasant a visitant as the disease with which your family has been long disturbed. Agreeably to your request I enclose a statement of my account. Accompa[n]ying this are the...
your goodness will readily excuse my thus addressing myself to you, when I inform that I have that unhappiness within which surpasses all shew. Owing to my unhappy pecuniary situation. Nothing but Stearn necessity could compell me thus to address you the much honoured Chief of happy America. My Friends live in Berkshire Massachusetts, they are neither Naybobs nor dependants, but live esteemed...
Since Mr. Eaton’s departure from hence in March last, no good opportunity has offered for Sicily or Malta, to transmit to Your Excelly. the enclosed packet, containing the Convention concluded by Mr, Eaton in the name of the United States of America, with His Highness Hamet Caramanly Bashaw of Tripoly; but I now avail of the departure of H. B. Maj.’s Sloop Jalouse to forward it via Malta. An...