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Results 25181-25210 of 184,431 sorted by author
The Bearer, Thomas Robertson, we understand is an Applicant for the place of Agent of the United...
Being informed that the office of United States’ Attorney for the district of Orleans is now...
I have the honor to enclose to you, by order of His Excellency Governor Claiborne, a list of...
His Excellency Governor Claiborne, in consequence of a severe attack of fever, common at this...
25 August 1804, New Orleans. “By last mail I had the honour of writing the President of the...
Although personally unacquainted,—I have, from my infancy, been taught to love and revere Thomas...
My pecuniary necessities compell me to ask the amount of your a/c. Professional engagments deny...
I received yours of the 12 Ultimo several days since but my time has been so occupied as to...
your goodness will readily excuse my thus addressing myself to you, when I inform that I have...
Since Mr. Eaton’s departure from hence in March last, no good opportunity has offered for Sicily...
§ From Wesson Briggs. 6 June 1814, Washington. “I lament to be again obliged to trouble you on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We are very sorry to inform you that after makeing our...
to you that are interested in the public Welfare of your Country Whose greattest Ambition is to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I make free to trouble you with these few lines as knowing...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Brillon est passé pour avoir l’honneur de voir Monsieur...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Madame Brillon fait dire a son aimable papa que le jour est...
AL : American Philosophical Society J’envoye sçavoir de vos nouvélles mon bon papa; lès miénnes...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je vous assure mon bon papa que je méttrai toute mon...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je suis dans un beau pays, je suis avéc un bonne maman qui...
AL American Philosophical Society Je ne suis point anguille comme le pretend monsieur votre fils...
AL : American Philosophical Society J’ignore les usages d’un autre monde mon cher papa; mais je...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This letter, which we publish as the first of the many...
AL : American Philosophical Society Il y auroit bien quelques petites choses a redire a votre...
AL : American Philosophical Society La dame a mille choses à répondre au monsieur, mais elle...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je vais répondre a votre lettre mon bon papa avéc franchise...
AL : American Philosophical Society Monsieur gosséc qui vous reméttra cétte léttre, mon cher papa...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je reçois a l’instant une lettre du grand voisin qui me...
AL : American Philosophical Society Vous ne serés pas étonné mon bon papa de l’humeur qui me...
AL : American Philosophical Society Voici mon bon papa, une folie de votre fille faitte pour...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mércredi vous prendrés encore le thé sans moi, samedi vous...