Results 25181-25210 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have purchased a spinning machine in Washington , thro’ the friendly agency of Doct r Thornton...
At the receipt of my claim, in a draft, which, I hope, will be duly discharg’d, I find myself...
Your letter of June 17 h to M r Peyton communicated to me on the 18 h & that of the 18 h to...
I wrote you three days ago thro’ the post office, but by an unfortunate change of our post days,...
Though the debates of last evening exhibiting the pitiful and undignified manner in which...
By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Whereas the Congress of the...
19 June 1812, War Department. Proposes the appointment of Edward Fox of Pennsylvania as...
imediately after writing to yo u I was seised with an extreme fit of Illness which confined me to...
Your favor of May 15. came to hand in due time. on the course of the suit of Livingston , I had...
In the course of the last Autumn and Winter, I wrote you five Letters on a particular, but most...
18 June 1812, Newport, Rhode Island. “Considering this the most important and most eventful...
We wrote to you on the 9 th Ins t with a copy of your Sales and Account Current to which we refer...
I have the honor of transmitting to you a Copy of a Corrospondence between myself and M r Peyton...
I had the honor of your Letter of the 24 th Ult o inclosing fifty Dollars, which I delayed...
I lost no time, in writing to Mr Madison, and to all I could Say in your favour inclosed your...
I send your Excellency this little pamphlet because of the very great pleasure it gives me to let...
17 June 1812, Wiscasset. Benjamin Homans, “lately the Secretary of the Commonwealth of...
Your favor of the 9 th has been duly recieved, together with my account. by this I percieve that...
I this day write to Mess rs Gibson & Jefferson to remit you 200.D. on my account, and have to...
a steel plate cross cut saw 3. files for setting it. RC ( ViU : TJP ); dateline beneath...
From my letter of May 24. you had reason to expect that a cart would be upon you immediately for...
Your acceptable letter of May 17. came to hand ten days after date, and I duly estimate your...
16 June 1812. “I transmit, for the information of Congress, copies of a letter to the Secretary...
16 June 1812, Bath, Steuben County, New York. Commands a battalion of riflemen in western New...
On the 4 th of Nov. last I wrote to you requesting another quarter cask of powder to be forwarded...
it is with the deepest regret I find that a letter you have done me the honor to write to me Some...
Your letter of Mar. 24 . did not come to hand till Apr. 8. and on the next day I wrote an answer...
I duly received your letter of 22 Ult. as the merchants express it, so frugally, To be sure,...
J. Madison presents his respects to Governour Plumer, with his thanks for the copy of his Speech...
15 June 1812. “I transmit for the information of Congress copies of letters which have passed...