Results 25171-25180 of 184,431 sorted by author
As a member of the American Philosophical Society I take the liberty of addressing its President. Although I feel much diffidence when, from an obscure and private station, I look up to that eminence upon which abilities and honors have placed thee; yet when I consider thee as the known friend and patron of useful Arts and Science, I am encouraged to solicit thy attention to some hints on a...
I arrived here the day before yesterday—and I have this day received the appointment of surveyor for the contemplated grand Canal. My friend Thomas Eddy of this City, who has generally been in the first rank amongst his fellow citizens as an active and efficient promoter of useful and benevolent works, who has long been one of the commissioners for this particular object, and who , though he...
Attending to the necessary observations under the frequent interruption of clouds—keeping a regular series of notes—& the rest absolutely requisite to repair the fatigues of travelling in weather so extremely hot as we have had it—have prevented us from making a more rapid progress on our journey, & have compelled me to be a much less attentive Correspondent than I expected or intended to have...
On the 30th. of January last the Board of Public Works of Virginia elected, for their principal engineer, Col. William McRee. This gentleman, who is beyond question a very accomplished military engineer, has declined the acceptance of that office on the ground that “its duties embrace the business of civil engineering in general, and its particular application to such objects of internal...
It was with a high degree of satisfaction, I observed in a letter I lately received from my friend Dr. Saml L. Mitchill of New York, the following paragraph:—”In consequence of a suggestion of the President of the United States, I had previously written to Mr. L’Hommedieu an account of the Project of attempting to mature a National Agricultural Society. I hope these communications will have...
Some time ago—very long after its date—the mail brought me thy favor of the 11th. of August. I had, as soon as it was possible for me, after my arrival in the Missisippi Territory, to give information which might be of any service to Gideon Fitz, taken the necessary care, by addressing a letter to him at Monticello. I have lately received a letter from him, dated at Louisville in Kentucky,...
I am just arrived here in safety and good health after a journey, of the unavoidable delays, embarrassments, and fatigues of which I had no anticipation. I wrote to thee, on the 2nd. of the 10th. mo. from the southeastermost projection of Tallapoosa River, which I call Point Comfort Next morning (3d) we left Point Comfort, and proceeding on the southeast side of Alibama River nearly parallel...
We trust we have manifested, during our employment in the city of Washington, our zeal for its success, and the accomplishment of the main object: as a proof of this, we take the liberty of laying before you a statement of facts; and representing the mortifications to which we have constrained ourselves to submit, rather than relinquish an object which we wish to see accomplished and which has...
On the 15 or 16 instant I wrote to thee from New York , informing thee that I had received an appointment from the Canal commissioners for employment in the mathematical department for making the grand Canal between the Western and Northern Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean . In that letter I expressed my decided opinion that if the Commissioners could avail the public of the talents and services,...
Thy kind favor, of Apr 17. 16 , had been forwarded from Brookeville to this place, my present residence, during a second journey I have made to Washington City . I returned yesterday. While in the Metropolis, I conceived an expectation, which is not still exists, of an employment s either in the survey of the line between the United States and the British possessions, from the source of S t