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Results 25171-25180 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am ashamed my dear sir at the littleness of my heart or rather that of my friends: as soon as I have passed the opportunity for conversing with this man it will be over, and I shall see you as publicly as at Xmas. Yes my dear sir I will meet you at 5, in the middle of the Seine; any where, so that I do but meet you, and tell you how much I revere you. In...
25172General Orders, 18 September 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Gen. Peter Muhlenberg’s orderly book contains the following general orders for this date signed by Adj. Gen. Timothy Pickering: “The Rolls are to be called this evening & Officers and Men strictly charg’d not to stir from their Quarters, where their Corps are encamp’d, that they may be ready to march at a moments warning, Severe Punishment will be the Demerit of...
I wrote you last Night at this hour respecting One hundred Cattle which are now Safe at Sweeds Ford. Upon examining repeatedly the disposition of the Militia from Greys Ferry to the ford last mention’d, I cou’d not See the least use especially from Troops of this Sort, in a Situation So far detatched—joined to this the great probability of the Enemies looking more immediately to Sweedsford,...
Your favor of the 17th I had the honor to receive last night with Governr Livingston & Genl Dickinsons Letters. It is out of my power to do more, than I already have for checking the Enemy’s progress in Jersey, and I should hope, that will be the case as soon as the Troops ordered from pecks Kill arrive to reinforce the Militia assembling under Genl Dickinson. I observe, that All the...
Last Night I was duely honoured with your Favour of yesterday, and this Day communicated the same to Congress. A few Minutes ago I received a Letter by Express from Genl Dickinson (a Copy of which I enclose) covering one to you, which I also forward. A certain Joseph Burns of Chester County, who had been sent out by Genl Wayne to reconnoitre the Situation of the Enemy, has this Moment called...
I wrote before this Day & have procured a Parcel of Maps which not knowing of this Oppty or of my being down here I must defer sending till tomorrow. I cannot help acquainting you, my dear General that the Distance of the Army from the City & its March so remote has given great Alarm & very much discourages the Militia, if any real Service is expected—I do not doubt you have sufficient Reasons...
I recd yours by express, I have not recd the order you formerly sent, or any other respecting the Baggage before this day when about 4 OClock P.M. I recd a letter from Colo. Biddle with your orders to move the Baggage to Pottsgrove & Accordingly orderd Two Divisions to move intending to send the rest on before day, about 8 O’Clock this Evening recd one other express requesting me to send on...
As I have receiv’d Information that the Enemy have turn’d down that Road from the White Horse which leads to Swedes Ford on Schuylkill I have to desire that you will Halt your Troops wherever this Meets you if coming this way & set them to Cleaning their Arms drawing Ammunition & Cooking Provision. I must call your utmost Exertion in fitting yourselves in the best manner you can for following...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. Anthony Wayne, 18 Sept. 1777. GW wrote in his second letter to Wayne of this date : “I have this Instt recd yours of ½ after 3 Oclock.”
I have this Instt recd yours of ½ after 3 Oclock —having wrote twice to you already to move forward upon the Enemy, I have but little to add—Genl Maxwell & Potter are order’d to do the same (being at Pottss Forge)—I could wish you & those Genl would act in conjunction, to make your advances more formidable but I would not have too much time delayed on this Acct. I shall follow as speedily as...