Benjamin Franklin Papers

Arthur Lee to Franklin and Silas Deane, 14 February 1778

Arthur Lee to Franklin and Silas Deane

ALS: American Philosophical Society; copy: University of Virginia Library

Challiot Feby. 14. 1778


I receivd yesterday the above Note,2 which I do not well understand. Is it intended, as the Note imports, to send away the public Dispatches without any consultation upon them, or about the person, (with whose name I have not been favord,) to whom they are to be confided?3 I have the honor to be, with great esteem Gentlemen Your most Obedient Servant

Arthur Lee

Addressed: To / The Honble / Benjn Franklin & Silas Deane Esqrs / at / Passi

Notation: A Lee to Mrs Franklin and Deane Feb. 14. 1778.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2He copied their note of the 13th at the top of the page.

3Lee had gone to Passy on the 14th, at the hour when the commissioners usually met there, hoping to be enlightened about what they were doing. Instead BF “entertained him with some very agreeable philosophical conversation, and they parted without one word on the despatches, &c.” After returning to Chaillot he sent this inquiry. Lee, Life of Arthur Lee, I, 394–5.

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