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Results 25141-25170 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have only Time to enclose you the Resolves of Congress passed yesterday and to request your...
I have this moment Rec’d a Note from Genl Dickinson desiring the Inclos’d Letter from him might...
I had Your Orders from Coll Hamilton last night, and had ordered every thing cimilar to Your...
I am extreamly sorry to hear that you have been unfortunatly obliged to retire and leave Genl How...
We apprized you a few Hours ago that the River was rising fast & scarcely fordable the heavy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am arrived once more in this town, and wish to be blessed...
I have to acknowlidge a feast of Letters from you since I wrote last, their dates from August 19...
Your very polite favour was handed me this Evening. I esteem myself much obliged for the enclosed...
Business still continues dull but am in Hopes of a Speedy Change as it seems by the last Accounts...
Yours with the Inclosed came safe to hand last week, and have given me great pleasure. I wish I...
Yellow Springs [ Pennsylvania ] September 17, 1777. Discusses situation of enemy and American...
25152General Orders, 17 September 1777 (Washington Papers)
The commanding officers of brigades are immediately to dispatch two or three careful officers who...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. John Armstrong, Sr., 17 Sept. 1777. Armstrong wrote GW at 8:00...
By Express this moment arrived from Brigr Gen. Wines at Hackingsack, I am informed the Enemy have...
I have been honored with your two favours of yesterday and their inclosures; to which due...
I have the Honour to transmit the enclosed Resolves, conveying the most extensive Powers to you,...
I was honored a few minutes Since, with a Copy of your Excellency’s favor of the 14th instant....
I have been favourd with your Two Letters of the 13th & 14th Instants. At present, the situation...
Upon examining the State of our Ammunition I find it so generally hurt by the Rain that we are...
I desire you will immediately move the Baggage and Ammunition from the place where you are at...
When I had the Honor to write you from Stutterdam I was unable to inform your Excellency what...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam, 17 Sept. 1777. GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman...
As it may be dangerous for the Troops under your command to act alone, and the service may be...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Petrie with respectfull Compliments to Dr. Franklin,...
251651777. Septr. 18. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
The violent N.E. Storm which began the Day before Yesterday continues. We are yet in...
Our Spring was cold and Wet, Our Summer fruitful and the Fall forbodes a plentiful Harvest. We...
If Congress have not yet left Philadelphia, they ought to do it immediately without fail, for the...
I did myself the honor to write you a hasty line this Evening giving it as my opinion that the...
AL : American Philosophical Society I shall be very happy to see my dear Friend if it may be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A friend of mine, an eminent marchant at Coruña in Spain and...