Results 25101-25150 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Mr Troups complts to the President. Arradondo is a Spaniard of honor & is perhaps secretly well...
28 June 1812, Petersburg. “In the present crisis … it becomes the duty of every citizen to tender...
I know not what, unless it were the Prophet of Tippacanoe , had turned my Curiosity to inquiries...
Nous voila donc, mon cher ami, en guerre avec l’Angleterre . this was declared on the 18 th inst....
C’est avec Raison, Monsieur, qu’on dit les femmes admirables pour les petites choses auxquelles...
Dont complain of my Wife. You have not a better friend, nor a great Admirer in the United States....
Mr Ingraham of Boston left this place a few days since, and I gave him a packet for Quincy,...
St. Johns a City in the British Province of New Brunswick is Situated at the mouth of the river...
27 June 1812. “Whereas the Representatives of the American People having for the vindication of...
27 June 1812. “Whereas the Congress of the United States have declared that War does exist...
27 June 1812, Charleston. Informs JM “that the Committee appointed by a very numerous meeting of...
27 June 1812 , “ C Hall .” Informs JM that Philip Aylett of King William County has “lately...
Letter not found. 27 June 1812, Baltimore. Offered for sale in Swann Auction Galleries Catalogue...
Davys report of the loss—in part of his provisions for himself—induced me to afford him a supply...
I take the liberty to tender my good wishes and grateful respect for your health and happiness &...
The commencement of harvest and close occupation of every one in it will, I am afraid render it...
I am perfectly willing to have Col o Lewis’ deposition taken at the house of M r Jno Watson in...
I had the Honour to receive a few weeks ago, the very acceptable Present of your Book on...
I rec d your Favour a Day or two after I wrote , and by your Servant Davy an order for the...
I have just rec d . your letter of the 23 June — I am sorry I have troubled Mills by Dunning him—...
Our political opponents in, and out, of the Legislature, are endeavouring to inspire as general...
I am highly gratified with the declaration of War by Congress, & the friends of the...
I feel myself verry happy in being able to state that from a carefull observation during my...
26 June 1812. “When a Crisis arrives in the affairs of a Free, Independent, and Republican...
26 June 1812, Mayor’s Office, New York. Transmits the sentiments of the Common Council “with...
26 June 1812, House of Representatives. “We beg leave to recommend … for a field appointment in...
26 June 1812, Norfolk. “I am making the last effort which seems to be left in my power to return...
I received in due course your letter of 9 th April —but, heard nothing of the machine you...
In a parcel of books which I have just received from my friend Judge Cooper , I find a copy of...
I received with much pleasure the lectures of Mr. Adams transmitted from you by the hands of Mr....
25 June 1812, Bridgeport, Connecticut. Was preparing to travel to France “to follow under the...
25 June 1812, Philadelphia. “I had occassion yesterday … to visit the Arsenal near Grays ferry on...
I recieved a week ago your favor of the 15 th and should sooner have answered it, but that I have...
The sudden and spirited manner in which Government has declared War reflects credit on them, and...
In my letter of May 4. I informed you of the reciept of yours of Apr. 16. just as I was setting...
The Decadency of Government is obvious, through the World and it is to be feared the cause of it...
If I knew that through any other channel a communication of events occurring here, of...
24 June 1812. “Peace has ever been considered one of the greatest blessings that an all bountiful...
I have been favored with your letter of May 23. and learn from it, with gratification, that you...
Acording your order I have send 6 Bls Herring to mess Brown & Co —to Lynchburg —& shal send 6 Bls...
Th: Jefferson presents his respectful compliments to M rs Bowdoin, and his thanks for the book...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 3 d & thank you in advance for that of a copy of your...
I thank you for the copy of the Report of a committee of the Society of artists of the United...
The enclosed I intended as a letter, but from its crouded State I am compelled to trouble you...
I receved your distinguished favor of the 7 th . I did not expect you would have condesended...
The Proceedings of the Govmt on the Intrusion of E. Livingston . sent to the following persons....
It is several months since your Mama and I have received a letter from you, or since I wrote one...
On many occasions my elocution is embarassed & inadequate to express my feelings, especially when...
I have yet received no appointment from Lord Sidmouth since I wrote you on the 20th. Instant. I...
23 June 1812. “I transmit to the Senate a Report of the Secretary of war, complying with their...