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Results 251-300 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
251 Adams, John [June 1760] 1760-06-01 Read 2 Odes in Horace. Spent the Evening at the Coll’s. While we were at supper, the Coll....
252 Adams, John June 1st. Sunday. 1760-06-01 Read 2 Odes in Horace. Spent the Evening at the Coll’s. While we were at supper, the Coll....
253 Adams, John June 2d. Monday. 1760-06-02 Wasted the Day, with a Magazine in my Hand. As it was Artillery Election, it seemed absurd to...
254 Adams, John June 3rd. Tuesday. 1760-06-03 This Day has been lost in much the same, Spiritless manner.
255 Adams, John June 4th. Wednesday. 1760-06-04 Read nothing but Magazines as indeed an indisposition rendered me unfit for any Application....
256 Adams, John June 5th. Thurdsday. 1760-06-05 Arose late. Feel disordered. 8 o’Clock, 3 1/2 Hours after Sun rise, is a sluggard’s rising Time....
257 Adams, John June 1760. Friday 6th. June. 1760-06-06 Arose very late. A cold, rainy northeasterly storm, of several Days continuance. I have an ugly...
258 Adams, John Saturday. 7th. 1760-06-07 Arose late, again. When shall I shake off the shackells of morning slumbers, and arise with the...
259 Adams, John Sunday, 8th. 1760-06-08 Spent the Evening and Night at the Coll’s. in ill natured, invidious, Remarks upon Eb. Thayer,...
260 Adams, John Monday. 9th. 1760-06-09 Attended Major Crosbeys Court. Where Capts. Thayer and Hollis made their Appearance. Thayer had...
261 Adams, John Tuesday [10 June]. 1760-06-10 Altho my Spirits were wasted Yesterday, by sitting so late the Night before, (till one o’Clock I...
262 Adams, John Saturday [14 June]. 1760-06-14 This Week has been spent in Business, i.e. filling Writts, and Journeys to Boston, Scadding,...
263 Adams, John 1760. June 15th. Sunday. 1760-06-15 Rose early, 5 o clock. A pleasant Morning. The more I write the better. Writing is a most useful...
264 Adams, John Monday. June 16th. 1760-06-16 Arose before the sun. Now I am ignorant of my Future Fortune, what Business, what Reputation, I...
265 Adams, John Tuesday. June 17th. 1760-06-17 Arose before the sun again. This is the last day. What, and who to day? Ebenezer Hayden was...
266 Adams, John 1760 June 18th. 1760-06-18 Read but little, thought but little, for the N.E. storm unstrung me.
267 Adams, John Thurdsday June 19. 1760-06-19 I have been the longer in the Arg umen t of this Cause not for the Importance of the Cause...
268 Adams, John Friday June 20th. 1760-06-20 I must not say so much about my self, nor so much about Hollis and Thayer by Name. I may declaim...
269 Adams, John June 21st. 1760. Saturday. 1760-06-21 June 21st. 1760. Saturday.
270 Adams, John June 23rd. 1760. Monday. 1760-06-23 A long obstinate Tryal, before Majr. Crosby, of the most litigious, vexatious suit, I think that...
271 Adams, John Tuesday. 24th. June. 1760-06-24 Arose early, a very beautiful Morning. Zab. seems to make insufficient Distinctions between the...
272 Adams, John Wednesday [25 June]. 1760-06-25 Went out with the Coll., in his Canoe, after Tom Codd. Rowed down, in a still calm, and smooth...
273 Adams, John 1760. June 26. Thurdsday. 1760-06-26 Feel indifferently well after my yesterdays walk and sail. I have begun to read the Spirit of...
274 Adams, John June 27th. Friday. 1760-06-27 Read 100 Pages in the Spirit of Laws. Rambled away to a fine Spring in my Cozen Adam’s Land,...
275 Adams, John [July 1760] 1760-07-01 Went to Town. Mr. Thatcher . You have read a great deal, Mr. Adams, in the Roman History,...
276 Adams, John Tuesday. July 1st. 1760. 1760-07-01 Went to Town. Mr. Thatcher . You have read a great deal, Mr. Adams, in the Roman History,...
277 Adams, John Thurdsday July 3rd. 1760. 1760-07-03 Read pretty diligently in the Spirit of Laws.—Hayden’s Consultation suggested the following...
278 Adams, John 1760. Saturday July 5th. 1760-07-05 Last Night Cranch explained to me, the Water Works in the River Thames which convey water, all...
279 Adams, John July 6th. Sunday. 1760-07-06 Heard Mr. Mayhew of Martha’s Vineyard.
280 Adams, John July 9th. Wednesday. 1760-07-09 Gould has got the story of White and Bowditch.
281 Adams, John Saturday [12 or 19 July]. 1760-07-12 I find upon Examination, that a Warrant of Attorney given by an Infant is void; so that, if you...
282 Adams, John Sunday Morning [13 or 20] July 1760. 1760-07-13 The week before last Salome Pope appeared before Coll. Quincy, to confess herself with Child, by...
283 Adams, John Fryday July 25th. 1760-07-25 We contend that the Plaintiffs ought to recover nothing on this Bond, because according to the...
284 Adams, John 1760. July 26. 1760-07-26 This Bond has been at least once and an half, if not twice, paid. The Case is this. About 15...
285 Adams, John [August 1760] 1760-08-03 Hollis has appealed. If he prosecutes his Appeal, he shall be paid. I believe there never was an...
286 Adams, John August 3d. 1760. 1760-08-03 Hollis has appealed. If he prosecutes his Appeal, he shall be paid. I believe there never was an...
287 Adams, John 1760. Aug. 9th. 1760-08-09 Drank Tea at Coll. Quincys, with Coll. Gooch and Dr. Gardiner. I see Gooch’s fiery Spirit, his...
288 Adams, John 1760. Aug. 12th. 1760-08-12 Remonstrated at the sessions vers. Licensing Lambard, because the select Men had refused to...
289 Adams, John 1760 Aug. 19th. 1760-08-19 I began Popes Homer, last Saturday Night was a Week, and last Night, which was Monday night I...
290 Adams, John [September 1760] 1760-09-24 Ephraim Jones, being a Widower and having two Children by a former Wife marries another, and soon...
291 Adams, John 1760. Septr. 24th. 1760-09-24 Ephraim Jones, being a Widower and having two Children by a former Wife marries another, and soon...
292 Adams, John Septr. 24th. 1760. 1760-09-24 If I am the Proprietor of an House, and I lease it to any Man, and bind my self to keep it in...
293 Adams, John [October 1760] 1760-10-07 Waited on Mr. Gridley for his Opinion of my Declaration Lambard v. Tirrell, and for his Advice,...
294 Adams, John Octr. 7th. 1760. 1760-10-07 Waited on Mr. Gridley for his Opinion of my Declaration Lambard v. Tirrell, and for his Advice,...
295 Adams, John 1760. Oct. 9th. 1760-10-09 In Support of Complaint in Case Neal’s Action is not entered. I do not know, nor is it possible...
296 Adams, John 1760. Oct. 11th. 1760-10-11 Neals Action is entered so that I have two Actions to defend by Pleas in Bar and three of the...
297 Adams, John 1760. Octr. 13th. Monday. 1760-10-13 Attended Mr. Niles’s Court this morning for John Holbrook Junior in an Action of his against...
298 Adams, John 1760. Octr. 17th. 1760-10-17 What are the Questions, on which Mrs. Bracketts Bars to Danas Actions turn?—The first Question...
299 Adams, John 1760. Oct. 17. 1760-10-17 In the Beginning of May 58 Mr. Lambard, the Plantiff, gave a Lease of a House and Barn and Land...
300 Adams, John [November 1760] 1760-11-03 Dana says the Administrator ought not to regard the Disgrace or Trouble or Expence of a...