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Results 251-300 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
J. Madison with his best respects to Col: Coles, requests the favor of him to have the enclosed...
Being a Virginian and having had the pleasure in my Earlier days of often Seeing and hearing you...
Permit me to present you, through my friend Mr. Crabb, of Philadelphia, now on a patriotic...
I recd. in the due time your letter of Aug. 11. But in my present condition I have been obliged...
Unless the day should be unfavorable, Mrs Trist & myself & children will set out to-morrow, to...
On the credit of the inclosed letter of introduction from an ancient colleague of the early...
I must apologize for the great delay in acknowledging your letter of Apl. 20th, by referring,...
Ever since certain evil minded persons entered the Navy-yard at Charlestown, and beheaded the...
J. M. presents his thanks to Professor Dew for the Copy of his Essay on Usury. The subject being...
J. M. with his respects to Mr. Gilpin acknowledges the receipt of his able & eloquent Speech on...
J. Madison with his respects to Mr Southard returns him many thanks for his biographical...
I am sensible of the delay in acknowledging your letter of and regret it. But apart from the...
In returning my thanks, which I do most heartily, for your letter of the 29th ulto, I must be...
I have been much distress’d to hear, that you have lately been so ill as to be given over by your...
It is with a great degree of diffidence that I intrude on your advanced age and retirement with...
Suffer me to ask a favour of you (as a Relic and a testimonial of that Regard that a father would...
In transmitting the enclosed letter for Mrs. Madison, I cannot resist the impulse of my feelings...
I have received your two letters of June 4th & 11th. with their enclosures. The letter to your...
I inclose a letter for Mr. George Joy of London, which I request the favor of you to have...
It was with much reluctance I gave up the idea of calling to see you on my way to the Mountains,...
Private. A circumstance came to my knowledge the other day, which, as (according to the...
I have received, my dear Sir, your favor of the 17th. The motives to it are as precious to me, as...
Your favor of the 25th came duly to hand. There was a reason for the application to G going from...
I have recd. yours of the 20th. and inclose a fair copy of so much of Mr. Jefferson’s letter to...
The Bearer Mann Butler Esqr has for some time past been engaged in writing the History of...
Since my return here (last friday) I have been engaged in the examination of Mr. Jefferson’s...
I have received, Fellow Citizens, your letter of the 1st Instant inviting me in the name of a...
Your favour of the 30th. ulto. with its enclosures would have been received with unmingled...
On a recent occasion, when one of the States of the Union promulgated doctrines subversive of the...
My eldest son Charles, the bearer of this letter, in coming to visit the Springs of Virginia, is...
We had heard of your indisposition with sympathy & regret, & of your recovery with sincere...
My Son Doctr. Spotswood will leave us today for Philadelphia, he expects to spend a few days with...
Although your favour of March 28th accompanying the " History of the Bank " has been so long on...
I have duly received the Copy of "Swallow Barn" with which you favoured me. The condition of my...
Your favor of February 8th. was duly received and I regret that it has not been sooner...
A large number of the Democratic Republicans of this County, intend giving a public dinner to the...
Your letter of July 14. fellow Citizens & friends", came duly to hand; but I was at the time and...
I am glad to learn from your letter of the 26th. Inst. that your troublesome complaint is, at the...
The copy of your intended Speech on the "Removal of the Deposits" was received in the due time....
At the suggestion of my friend Mr John Barney, I have taken the liberty to send you a copy of...
I have delayed reporting the state of my health or rather of my malady, continually hoping that a...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr Bonnycastle & encloses the requested introduction to Genl....
Professor Bonnycastle is desirous of obtaining your opinion on an improvement he has thought of...
An improvement in canals having presented itself to me I was desirous of asking the opinion of...
I have received Sir your letter of the 10th. Inst. and would gladly furnish any information...
I have recd. your letter of the 13th. Inst. I can give you no information relating to the family...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Chapman and has received the excellent Engravings which...
The Jefferson democratic Society of the City & County of Philadelphia, at a late Stated meeting,...
I have long Anxiously sought information relative to the family of the Revd Samuil Findley...
I am a free man of color, by the name of William Dailey, and respectfully crave permission to...