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Results 251-260 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Tengo la honra de poner en noticia de V. S. que el Exmo. Senor Dn. Pedro Cevallos me previene de parte del Rey mi Amo, con fha. del 21. de Marzo, que dé parte à èste Gobíerno, como lo executo, que han resuelto, que en el preciso termino de un mes salgan fuera de los Reynos de España, los Vasallos Suecos. Dios guê. á V. S. ms. as. B. L. M de V S. su mas atento servidor DLC : Papers of James...
I am directed by the Secretary of State to request that you will furnish him with an estimate of the expense that will attend the publication of the Laws of the United States in your paper. It should mention the lowest price for which you will perform this work, and on account of the meeting of Congress early in next month, be transmitted to him without delay. I am Sir &c. FC ( DNA : RG 59,...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your favour of the 17 inst.—with the List inclosed of your Ships Company. I am concerned to see the Number so small, But it is not in my Power to enlarge it; as you do not chuse to have french Seamen, and Americans are not to be had; and If I shou’d procure a Permission for you to enlist Volunteers from among the British Prisoners in France, there is Danger...
In trying to Preform your orders to Benington Vermont about forty four miles from New York nearly opposit West Point my trunck was missing from the stage—and upon a Immediate search by the Inhabitants and myself who treat’d me very Perlitely in deed the trunck was found a small distance from the road but all my property taking out a search was Immediately made by Gentlemen of Varasity and upon...
Agreeable to your request I will give you Some few remarks on my last expedition. Having had no particular directions from the Company of course no promise on my part of undertaking such a jaunt. I left the Grand portage about the usual time for Arabasca, but previously had obtained permission to remain the summer inland with no other view than of employing that time in discovery. The Cause of...
The active part which you took before your departure from Virginia, as a director of the public buildings, leads us to believe, that it will not be now unacceptable to you, to cooperate with us as far as your engagements will permit. We foresee, that in the execution of our commission, the Commonwealth must sustain a heavy expence, and that we can provide no shield so effectual against the...
Copy: the Royal Society; partial copy: American Philosophical Society <August 12: The Committee agreed to the following: lightning conductors were necessary; they should be placed at each end of each magazine, reaching ten feet above the ridgepole and connecting at the bottom with wells filled with water; the top of the chimney of the Proof House should be connected by lead with the conductor...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, January 25, 1791. Encloses “quarterly Accounts to the 31st. Ultimo.” Requests information on the implementation of the “53rd Section of Collection Act,” which provides that “the Commission for Collecting … be charged on the amount of all monies received on account of duties .” Asks how weighmasters should be compensated “for weighing including tare of packages.” Asks...
The condescending kindnesses and proofs of your regard, with which I have been honoured by you induces me, to take the liberty of offering to your acceptance, the humble tribute of a female acquaintance , with which I was lately favoured. I paid her a visit at New-york and could not decline, to Send you in her name her last publication—before She returned to her native country— Amsterdam . She...
We do ourselves the pleasure to enclose to your Excellency, a letter from Governor Burt, of Antigua, respecting Mr Thomas Morris, an officer of the Continental artillery in the Georgia line, to General Prevost, who was supposed to be Commanding Officer in the Southern Department. (You will perceive that its object is to liberate Mr John Burke, a citizen of that Island, who is your prisoner,...