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Results 251-260 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
J. Madison with his best respects to Col: Coles, requests the favor of him to have the enclosed delivered to his brother, if in the neighbourhood. Should he have left it, and be out of immediate reach, Col C. will be so obliging as to return it to me, with a notice of the most expedient address for a letter to his brother. [printer’s fist] The enclosed letter contains a check on the B. Bank of...
Being a Virginian and having had the pleasure in my Earlier days of often Seeing and hearing you together with the interest which I feel in the present political contest in the South must be my apology for obtruding myself upon you in this manner The good and wise I know may be always safely approached by the humblest of their fellow Citizens when instruction is their object Accompanying this...
Permit me to present you, through my friend Mr. Crabb, of Philadelphia, now on a patriotic pilgrimage to Montpelier, the portrait (lithographed) of that distinguished patriot Amos Kendall—who, for efficient emulation of your brilliant services in support of that Democracy whose applause hath made your name immortal—is now traduced and vilified as much even as you have been by that same spirit,...
I recd. in the due time your letter of Aug. 11. But in my present condition I have been obliged to spare the use of the pen as much as possible, especially when an answer was not pressing, and I could give none that could be of much importance. It may well be supposed that at my age, and after a lapse of nearly 30 years, my memory must be a very fallible resort for information as to...
Unless the day should be unfavorable, Mrs Trist & myself & children will set out to-morrow, to dine at Gordonsville, and reach Montpellier in the evening. Cornelia & Mary, and one of Mr. Randolph’s younger daughters (Cary Ann) will follow the next tuesday; and we propose all to leave you on the ensuing friday evening, so as to be in Washington the next day. I thought, when last with you, that...
On the credit of the inclosed letter of introduction from an ancient colleague of the early services of your great career, permit me to solicit, at your perfect ease and convenience, some attention to events in our history. It is not unknown to you, the deep excitement which in 1806 seized the public mind of Ky. in regard to early Spanish intrigues in 1788, to detach the State from the...
I must apologize for the great delay in acknowledging your letter of Apl. 20th, by referring, (now a common and necessary resort) to the feebleness of age, accompanied by severe & continued inroads on my health. My respect for your object, would make it very agreeable to me, to aid it in the way you mention. But on looking into the parcels of pamphlets I possess, I find none that would supply...
Ever since certain evil minded persons entered the Navy-yard at Charlestown, and beheaded the full-length figure of President Jackson fixed on the stem of the renowned Ship Constitution, riot & midnight misrule had become in a measure epidemic. A Roman Catholic Convent or Nunnery, a spacious establishment, in the neighborhood of Bunker-hill, within cannon-shot of the centre of Boston, was...
J. M. presents his thanks to Professor Dew for the Copy of his Essay on Usury. The subject being very ably handled, will doubtless aid in dissipating the erroneous views of it which have so long prevailed. FC (DLC) .
J. M. with his respects to Mr. Gilpin acknowledges the receipt of his able & eloquent Speech on the 4th. of July. The delay in returning his thanks for it, has an apology in the decrepit state of his health, of which he is obliged in this as in other cases to avail himself. FC (DLC) .