George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 16 June 1757

From Robert Dinwiddie

Williamsburg June 16th 1757


I am to acknowledge the Receipt of Yrs of the 10th but I am so much hurried that I cannot answer it, but as Mr Boyd is daily expected by him I shall write You more fully.

Otassity of Ostenaker,1 conducts thirty Cherokees to You with Intention to go out against the Enemy; I think he is a brave Indian, & talks much of Majr Lewis; I believe he may be prevail’d on to stay with his People all the Summer.

They were desirous that Mr Gun shou’d go with them & if he goes with them to fight he shall have Lieutts Pay if You shd think him a proper Person2—Excuse Hurry I am Sir Your humble Servt

Robt Dinwiddie

LS, DLC:GW; LB, ViHi: Dinwiddie Papers.

1Ostenaco, or Judge’s Friend, was one of the leaders of the Overhill Cherokee. For a fuller identification, see Andrew Lewis to GW, 28 Oct. 1756, n.3.

2James Gunn (Gun) accompanied and remained with Andrew Lewis in the Cherokee country in the summer of 1756 when Lewis supervised the building of the Virginia fort near Chota. In 1759 Gunn and Edward Hubbard served as captains of Gen. John Stanwix’s two Virginia companies of artificers that rebuilt the fort at Pittsburgh.

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