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Results 2501-2550 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have the honor of sending you some newspapers and two memoirs relating to Prize Causes, and am, Sir, with great respect, Your very obedt and very humble Sert RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM. Enclosures not found.
Minutebook copy: Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia It is with much satisfaction we received Intelligence from our Friend David Barclay, by his Letter of the 27th Augst. That, “by Order of the Court of Chancery there is transferred to you, for the use of the Pennsylvania Hospital, Seven thousand, six hundred and thirty four pounds 11 s. 1 d. three per Cent reduced Bank Annuities, Also that...
M r Dinsmore has this Day Communicated to me that Cha s Stewart is anxious & willing to go & Acquire a knowledge of the Hosiery Business— knowing your Anxiety for an Establishment of that kind here I have talked over the Subject with Cap t Garrett as to Sending him. he Joins me in approving of the appointment. Should you Concur in Opinion you will please Send the necessary Introduction to M r...
I am to acquaint you Mr shaw, could not comply with your Request. I immediately Ordered off, one Dragoon from the stages back, and Disposed of them Agreeable to your Excellency’s Orders —my last stage is near Tour Hill. immediately upon my Arrival there, I proceeded on to Rhode Island, to acquaint the Commanding Officer of what I had done—(& further more) of the Request your Excellency made to...
Your two letters of Aug. 9. & Sep. 21. were duly recieved: and altho’, according to the latter I may expect your servant tomorrow, if you succeed in the purchase of the horse, yet as mr Coles is now here & proposes to go by the way of Eppington I think it surest to answer by him. I have had your table, copying press & bust well packed in a box, and as I am sure it would be agreeable to mrs...
The destruction of the public Storehouses, Magazines, Laboratory, Shops and other Works at this place and Westham by the Enemy having left our Arms, Powder and other Stores exposed in open Houses to plunder and our Artificers unfurnished with Houses to proceed in the repair of Arms and other necessary Works, obliges me, as the only resource for a hasty collection of Sawyers, Carpenters and...
It is so often suspected that marks of attention, in the way of trifling presents, to persons in high Official stations, have some sinister intention, that I have always hesitated to shew these marks of regard least, from these motives, they should be received with reluctance; but when presented to persons out of Office, from whom no advancement of personal interest is expected, it must...
2508General Orders, 15 October 1778 (Washington Papers)
A Court of Enquiry whereof Lieutt Coll Carrington is appointed President will sit at one oClock this afternoon at the President’s quarters to enquire into a complaint exhibited by Charles Proud a soldier in the Artillery against Captain Wiley—Two Captains from each of the Connecticutt Brigades to attend as Members. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . No report of this court of inquiry has been...
I am advised by the Secy. of War that Mr. Williams Storekeeper at Springfield has been directed to furnish to the Quarter Master of your regiment 680 stands of arms and as many Gun Worms. If they have not been received you will take the proper measures to obtain them. He likewise informs me that Col: Jeremiah Wadsworth at Hartford has been requested to provide for your Regiment, to be likewise...
See the stat. 24. G. 3. (1784.) c. 47. made against smuggling- armed vessels and forfieting the vessels. the 7th. sectn. latter part provides that it shall not extend to vessels having arms or ammunition put on board for the necessary use & defence of such vessel, by license from the Lord High Admiral of G.B. or the commissioners of the admiralty.’ this shews that English vessels cannot arm...
We postponed to answer the honour of your Excellency’s favour of 5 febr, in hope to be able to mention Something definitif to you, but it would be disagreable to you to enumerate the objections and difficulties, since hitherto we have not yet the answers of all the undertakers, whilst we are continually Endeavouring to Settle the matter, of wh ch. the Success is yet too incertain, to give your...
My Dear and ever Honor’d And beloved Father and And Friend—For such I shall ever consider you.—it greives & mortifies me to think I am obliged to leave this place tomorrow Morning without the Happiness of seeing you—my Health for sometime back has been miserable indeed— I have rode out but twice, & that but a short distance, since last Thursday week; and since that , I found as much as I could...
The anxieties expressed, in your much valued favour of the 17th. of July, for our political welfare, induce me to assume the privilege & enjoy the pleasure of informing you, that we have succeeded in electing a republican Governor : but, we have lost the Legislature, &, of course, the choice of a federal senator. As it respects our local politics, the great point is gained. If we had succeeded...
Yorktown, 24 March 1778. FC ( PCC , No. 79, I). This is Instruction No. 3, which probably reached the Commissioners in late April, having first arrived at Bilboa on a vessel “from Baltimore in 22 days” (John Bondfield to the Commissioners, 21 April , below). In its first communication to the Commissioners since JA ’s departure, the Committee for Foreign Affairs commented on the depreciation of...
2515Orderly Book, 18 October 1758 (Washington Papers)
Camp at Muddy Run Wednesday Octr 18th Parole Dublin A Picquit to Consist of 1 Capt. 1 Sub. 2 Serjts & 50 Private to mount this Evening, those from the Virginia Regt to Sleep in their own Camp and those of the Pensylvanians in theirs. All the Troops to hold themselves in readiness to March with the Artillery to morrow at 10 OClock the whole to draw provisions early in the Morning for 2 Days. D...
Will you be so good as to tell me what answer to give to the interrogatory in the last sentence of this letter? [ Reply by Randolph: ] I do not see any absolute, or indeed probably necessity for the ancient treaties. But I am not certain, that it may not be satisfactory to have those, made with the state governments; since some of the commissioners are new in this kind of business; and might...
In consequence of your letter of the 15th. inst. I enclose a certified copy of your military land Warrant. The surveyor will of course know of the interference of any surveys, to which the law has given a priority, and of its amount: any certificate therefore from me concerning that fact is unnecessary, nor is the information on which it could be grounded within the official knowledge of this...
Copy: Library of Congress This is to request, that in Addition to the Paper you already have the Kindness to forward me, you would procure & send me Likewise, The Whitehall Evening Post, & the General Advertiser . Your Disbursements on this Account shall be thankfully repaid you by Sir, your &c
With the purest Sentiments of Esteem and respect I took the earliest Opportunity of acknowledging the Honor of your Letter by the hands of My Nephew Mr Geo: Martin who was preparing to embark for Virginia from England, but I since find that unexpected Occurrences have detain’d him so long that it is more than probable this Letter will reach your hands before he can present his—give me leave...
2520[Diary entry: 22 June 1771] (Washington Papers)
22. Clear and something Cooler—Wind getting Westwardly.
[ Paris 2 Aug. 1789 . Recorded in SJL as received 3 Aug. 1789. Not found.]
2522[Diary entry: 8 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
8. Clear, frost, & still.
ALS : American Philosophical Society <St. Malo, May 19, 1778, in French: At the end of last year I sent two expeditions to America, of which one arrived safely at Charleston in March. No news has come of the other, and I am extremely anxious. My ship is the Vicomte de Vaux , twenty-four guns and a crew of ninety commanded by the Sieur Donat de la Garde; she left Lorient on December 31 with the...
Cn Pichon with his respects forward Mr. Madison the inclosed extract of his dispatches from Cayenne, which proves that the government of that place are eager to execute the instructions they received from france as soon as the Treaty was signed at Paris. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, NFL , France, vol. 1). Enclosure 3 pp., in French. The enclosed extract of the 15 May letter from the French...
The Board have been favoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 27th instant relative to the Laboratory at Lebanon. It has been with no small Concern that we have percieved the Affairs in the Commissary General’s Department exceedingly deranged. We cannot find any Neglect in the Gentleman at the Head of it as we believe him to be an active & good Officer. But the same Discontents &...
By the Schooner Louisiana Capn Mc.Farlane of Philadelphia who sailed from hence on the 16th. of May I had the honour to put on board for Your Excellency three barrels of Nebeole Wine properly embaled as recieved from Turin My motive for sending the Wine in barrels proceeded from the failure of several attempts in the transportation of it in bottles, at the same time I am aware that the quality...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] March 1, 1777. Seeks to mitigate severity of Campbell’s imprisonment. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Campbell, a member of the 71st Regiment of the British army, was a prisoner in Concord, Massachusetts.
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library Inclosed are 2 Letters from Major Franks one for you & one for Mr Jay. The Bills mentioned I have sent to Mr Grand.— What is to be done about sending out the public Stores? There are here two large american Ships now here which will want Freight one of them the Cato of 300 Tons to my address, but these Ships belong to the...
Since I had the Honor of addressing you Yesterday, Nothing of Importance has occurred and the Enemy remain, as they then were. I was reconnoitring the Country and different Roads all Yesterday, and am now setting out on the same business again. Sensible of the advantages of Light Troops, I have formed a Corps under the command of a Brigadier, by drafting a Hundred from each Brigade, which is...
I find that in my letter of Yesterday I omitted to notice the paragraph in yours which promised me a visit from judge Gre e ne and yourself. nothing can give me greater pleasure than such a visit. altho not personally acquainted with the judge, I have been taught to revere him for every good quality, and to consider him as one of the sheet anchors of our republican bark. I shall be at home all...
I imagine that by this time you will be willing to receive, at the Seat the Soul of government, a correct statement of the facts attached to the death of Charles Austin who was lately shot in State in Boston, by one Thomas Oliver Selfridge a Lawyer. I give you a Statement on which you may rely. The republicans in Boston for four years past have obtained, from the select men, the use of fannuil...
As your Excellency has asked my Opinion of General Lees Plan, as explained in his Letter of the fifth instant, I think it my Duty to give it, although I am obliged to do it in more Haste than I could wish. I Suppose the only Questions which arise upon that Letter are whether the Plan is practicable; whether it is expedient; and whether it lies properly within your Excellencys Authority,...
There is a great deal of pain: taken to make mischief between you & Mr & Mrs Porter many wish for his birth but I am confident no one who has offer’d would take better care of your things in the house or to whom you could trust them with equal Satefy James Howard is very busy & very abusive, told mr cranch that he heard mr Porter was going, & that it was time he should— he knew his tricks: you...
Nothing Remarkable has occurred in this neighbourhood since You left us. I think we omitted, My lord, at the beginning of Our Address, you will Please to Observe before you Send it off, and likewise Write to the governor and Some of the Council to charge Mr Ludwel to support & inforce it. I heard once from the Branch Since, but expect you have all the reports from that Quarter before this...
Exoterick and Esoterick Doctrine. See the American Encyclopedia Tit. Exoterick: the French, Title Exoterique; the Dictionaire de Trêvoux, the Same Title, Stephens’s Thesaurus Tit. Exotericus, Gesners Dictionary Tit. Exotericus, and Acroaticus, Fabers Thesaurus Tit. Exotericus. See Also Herodotus Diadorus Siculus, Pausanias Strabo, Plutarch, Aetius , Aristotle Cicero and Aulus Gellius. See also...
Encloses on behalf of the Portsmouth committee of safety “an authenticated copy of a vote pass’d by them for preventing the admission of our Inhabitants into the Camp, upon speculation, without a recommendation or pass first had and obtained from them, Their Inducement to this measure arises from their Fears that some may be too freely and incautiously admitted who are suspected of a want of...
Your favor of July 24. came to hand on the 31 st and I will proceed to answer your enquiries, in the order they are presented, as far as I am able. I have no doubt that the 5 th of the Rhode island resolutions, of which you have sent me a copy , is exactly the one erased from our journals. the mr Lee s, and especially Richard Henry , who was industrious, had a close correspondence, I know,...
I had the Honour of writing you the 19th ult in answer to your Letter of 13 June and I now have the farther honour of informing you, that the Hhd of Oranget is now forwarded to Alexandria by the Brigg Collumbia Capt Levering with my request to the Collector to receive it and wait your order I wish it may be what you wished, if not, say what it should be, and the next will be preppaired...
31 October 1801, American Consulate, London. No. 4. Dawson’s delayed departure and return to London a second time allow transmission of the enclosed statements. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 59, CD , London, vol. 8). RC 1 p.; docketed by Wagner as received 13 Jan. The enclosures include lists of awards made by the Board of Commissioners payable on 5 July 1798 and 1 May 1799 and received by...
As you may possibly not come here before the 18th I write to know, if I must leave these lodgings at that time, as the month will then be up, and if I stay any longer I must begin another month. I have finish’d Phaedrus’s fables and the lives of Miltiades, Themistocles, Aristides, Pausanias, Cimon, and Lysander; and Am going next upon Alcibiades in Cornelius Nepos, I shall begin upon...
Nous avons l’honneur de vous prévenir que, malgré l’espoir dont vous nous avéz favorisés par vôtre lettre du 27. Xe., Messrs. Willinck & Van Staphorst se refusent encore à nous remettre les fonds des ƒ51,000, que nous avons à rembourser pour le congrés; déjà plusieurs Porteurs se sont presentés, et nous avons calmé leur mécontentement en les invitant à revenir sous une 15ne. de jours....
Inclosed are applications for Appointments &c from George McDonald, General Whiting, a very respectable Officer, James Cunningham, James Campbell, Zenas Meigs Bradley, George Walton General Morgan, which I recommend to your Consideration and am your humble sert Also a letter from Elijah Paine, recommending Mr Samuel Shuttleforth to be chaplain in the army NNGL .
you have some time since recd from me, Sir, a letter which I wrote to you from Havre on my arrival—I promised to write again as soon as my residence at Paris should enable me to communicate some details, which might be interesting to you & to the country which you inhabit—I proceed to keep my promise. That, which I wrote you before, is but too true—the same sentiments no longer unite our two...
2544[Diary entry: 5 April 1768] (Washington Papers)
5. At home with Mr. Crawford. Mr. Campbell came here & dined, Mrs. Washington, Miss B. Ramsey & Patcy Custis went to Belvoir & returnd. As an agent for the Alexandria partnership of Carlyle & Adam, Matthew Campbell (d. 1782) had come to Mount Vernon to pay GW £121 11s. 9½d. for wheat purchased from him during the past six months ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of...
Copy of the Proposal made to Mr Gilmer— I shall be perfectly satisfied if the Rector & visitors will guarantee that my Bond, or such part of it as may be demanded, shall be paid forthwith. to the British Government. I shall be willing to have the amount deducted from my salary in yearly payments; provided that the Rector & Visitors will also guarantee me a salary not less than $2500—& that I...
Sir—I Can Now inform you Captn Macnemara has had my Witness[’]s affedev. gaven in to Mr Hay for fare of his Death & Mr Hay Seems Much pleasd with it & Says thare is Not the Least Danger in Recovering the property from those Base Desining Men—Our Cort Coms on the first Monday in August. & After Cort I Shal Let you know how I am Like to Come off—& what Time you May Expect Me Up to Mount Vernon...
In the outset of the business of Detentions, I think it impossible to form precise rules. after a number of cases shall have arisen, they may probably be thrown into groupes & subjected to rules. the great leading object of the legislature was, and ours in execution of it ought to be, to give compleat effect to the embargo laws. they have bidden Agriculture, Commerce, Navigation to bow before...
In a letter which I wrote to you yesterday, I desired that the Indians might not be brought to this place if it cou’d possibly be avoided: Since which, the Honble Edmund Atkin, Esquire; superintendant of Indian Affairs, is arrived; and desires to hold a conference with them here. No bad consequences are likely to ensue by bringing them from the Frontiers (of which, however, you are to judge...
2549[Diary entry: 26 March 1798] (Washington Papers)
26. Morning—Clear—Wind at No. Wt. & Mer. 40. Afternoon wind shifted to So. W. & lowered. Mer. 50 at Night 51 hight.
It was not till last Evening that I received Your Letters of Febry 2 d 4 & 7 th . the post did not get in which was Due on twesday till Saturday. I do not know how to pass a week without hearing from You. I received newspapers to the Tenth. in those I have an account of the Declaration. it was a Solemn Scene to You, and an affecting one. You will find by my Letter of the 8 th that I was with...